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No More Thoughts on Whether I Will Be Persecuted

Nov. 30, 2015 |   By a practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Many Falun Gong practitioners in my local area have been harassed recently, and some were arrested. I was anxious and couldn't remain calm. A fellow practitioner told me that according to a police officer she knows, I am the “focus” of the police in my area, while another practitioner on their list had already been arrested. She kindly reminded me to pay attention to my safety.

When I calmed down, I realized that this was no coincidence. It was the old forces' interference, with the purpose of making me worry about my safety, thereby acknowledging the persecution.

Master said,

“As a practitioner, if you always think that it is an illness, you are actually asking for it. If you ask for an illness, it will come inside your body.” (Zhuan Falun)

We are protected by Master and the Fa, so be it an illness or the persecution, it should never happen to us. Master doesn't recognize the persecution, so why should I?

When I realized this, my mind became clear. I should just do well at the three things Master asks us to do. Even if the persecution comes, I have nothing to be afraid of.

Fear crept into my mind every now and again. When a family member called me, concerned that the police were going to arrest me, I comforted them and told them not to worry. But I was actually worried, especially with fellow practitioners being harassed and arrested.

Previously Detained

I was once tied to a metal bed frame in a labor camp for 25 days. Two people monitored me around the clock. I recited “Lunyu” and others of Master's articles that I could remember. When I calmly recited, I felt that I was lying on a white cloud and didn't experience any pain at all.

Master endured all the pain for me. As long as we have the Fa in mind, Master can help us.

I was arrested another time and taken to the notorious Masanjia Force Labor Camp. As I was talking to the police about Dafa and the persecution, I felt strong energy flow through my body.

I didn't pass the physical examination at the labor camp, so they refused to take me, and I was allowed to go home.

No Longer Afraid

When I remembered how Master has always protected me, I no longer gave any thought to whether I would be arrested or not.

I am a Dafa disciple during the Fa-rectification period. The old forces cannot persecute me. Our righteous thoughts will eliminate the evil. All I need to do is to follow Master's teachings, work together with fellow practitioners and save more people.

With my strong righteous thoughts the police never knocked on my door, and all the warnings turned out to be false alarms. My environment remained peaceful.

When I did the sitting meditation my heart was calm, filled with the Fa.