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Two Falun Gong Practitioners Roughed Up by Police for Resisting Unwarranted Arrest

Dec. 1, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) Mr. Liu Huaguo was at the home of his friend Mr. Liu Shangkun (no relation) when plainclothes officers broke in and arrested him without a warrant. Both men were roughed up for protesting the illegal arrest.

The police claimed that Mr. Liu Huaguo had written a letter reporting on the persecution of Falun Gong. When Mr. Liu Shangkun went to seek his friend's release later that afternoon, he was threatened with arrest, with one officer warning him, “We know you have passed out brochures about Falun Gong in the past!”

Both men were arrested multiple times in the past for refusing to give up their belief in Falun Gong. It became clear to them that they had been monitored by the police for some time before the latest incident.

Mr. Liu Huaguo's Arrest

Mr. Liu Huaguo was helping to renovate the home of another practitioner, Mr. Liu Shangkun, when three staff members of the 610 Office in Weihe Forest Bureau Police Department from Shangzhi City, Heilongjiang Province, showed up around 10 a.m. on November 25, 2015. They were in plainclothes, had no arrest warrant, and used excessive force to arrest him.

Feng Li, Xu Chao, and another officer with the last name of Qu hit Mr. Liu Huaguo and threw him to the door. When he resisted, they struck him in the head, put him in a choke hold, and kicked him. When he attempted to stop them, they beat him even worse. Mr. Liu Shangkun shouted, “I hired him, I am responsible for his safety! Stop that right now!”

They could not take Mr. Liu Huaguo away, so they turned around, pinned Liu Shangkun to the ground, punched him in the head repeatedly, slapped him in the face, and shouted that they would arrest him, too. They also called for back up.

Four more police officers showed up and carried Mr. Liu Huaguo down the stairs. Mr. Liu Shangkun chased them all the way down, only to be pushed aside by four to five people, damaging his cell phone in the process.

Mr. Liu Shangkun Manhandled Out of the Police Department

Mr. Liu Shangkun went to Weihe Police Department to see his friend that afternoon.

Mr. Liu Huaguo was being interrogated by Xu Chao, who had restrained him in an iron chair in his bare feet, his hands cuffed to the arms of the chair, and his feet shackled to the legs.

Mr. Liu Shangkun demanded that his friend be released. He said that it was wrong to persecute people who practice Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Xu Chao warned him to leave immediately or risk arrest himself. He also threatened him, saying that he knew that Mr. Liu Shangkun had distributed Falun Gong literature. He then gave orders to have Mr. Liu Shangkun removed from the police department. The officers hit and kicked him as they manhandled him out of the building.