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Eliminating Persecutory Activities in My Local Area

Dec. 1, 2015 |   By a practitioner in mainland China

(Minghui.org) I began to practice Falun Gong five years ago. One year after I began to practice Falun Gong, many Falun Gong practitioners who were associated with the local material production site were arrested, including the practitioner who introduced Falun Gong to me.

My first thought was to visit his family. His father had not slept for three nights and his hair had turned white. There were blisters around his mouth and his eyes were bloodshot. His mother was bedridden due to hypertension. Even though she took a lot of medication, her blood pressure was going up.

Although I wanted to rescue my fellow practitioner, I was not quite sure of what to do, as I had only practiced Falun Gong for one year. What if I was arrested as well, what about my parents?

Determined to Rescue Fellow Practitioners

Master said,

“In Gods' eyes the same is true with the old forces' arrangements. If you hold on to humanness with one hand and won't let go, and you hold on to Buddhahood with the other hand and won't let go, just which one exactly do you want?” (“Teaching and Explaining the Fa at the Metropolitan New York Fa Conference”)

I realized that I still had the attachment to human emotions, as well as the pursuit of a comfortable life.

As soon as I found my attachments, I was determined to let go of these notions and work alongside fellow practitioners. I went to the detention center to deliver daily needs to fellow practitioners. I visited family members, encouraged them to go to the detention center and demand the release of their loved ones, find a lawyer, and other options.

This was the very first time that lawyers defended practitioners in our local court. It sent quite a shock wave through the local court system and all those related to the case.

Before the trial date, practitioners posted information that exposed the persecution all over town for three nights in a row. I was not afraid, and only wanted more people hear the facts about the persecution of practitioners, and see the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for what it is. The results were very good.

Righteous Thoughts Result in Visiting Rights

When a fellow practitioner was taken to a labor camp, I thought to visit him and reinforce his righteous thoughts. However I suddenly became afraid, and the risk of being implicated by the CCP guilt by association policy was amplified.

My initial visitation requests were turned down by the labor camp. I realized that I was still afraid and resentful towards labor camp guards. I intensified my study of the Falun Gong teachings, sent forth righteous thoughts, and recited Master's words to strengthen myself.

Master said:

“When Dafa disciples have strong righteous thoughts and no fear, they can use righteous thoughts to turn the tables on the evildoers.” (“Stop the Evil Acts with Righteous Thoughts, The Essentials of Diligent Progress, Vol. III”)

With Master's protection and support, I finally could visit this fellow practitioner, but mainly because the camp authorities wanted me to persuade him to renounce Falun Gong. We both strongly negated that arrangement, and I visited him on every visiting day.

Before I visited him, I arrived early and sent forth righteous thoughts. I held the vision of Master's fashen and many righteous gods safeguarding the fellow practitioners in the camp.

I saw that for practitioners who were “transformed”, their righteous energy was diminishing, and the evil wanted to ruin them. I coordinated with fellow practitioners both in and out of the detention center, to send strong righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil and its control over the detention center.

After the fellow practitioner was released, he told me that my visit meant a great deal to him. My righteous thoughts and actions, and my letting go of life and death, greatly encouraged him. He refused to be “transformed” and constantly resisted the persecution. During that period of time, the transformation rate was the lowest in memory. Some of the guards even changed jobs, and no longer participated in the persecution.

Teamwork to Resist the Persecution

One of my acquaintances who works in the Police Department informed me of large scale arrests of practitioners, and told me that some were already under surveillance. A brainwashing center was being funded.

Practitioners met, searched within, and sent forth righteous thoughts for long periods of time. In the end, nothing came of the large scale arrest.

After this, we discussed how to stop persecutory actions in the future. We formed a team, made sure that the 610 Office and police personnel were aware of the persecution facts, and exposed persecution cases on the Minghui website. We made it into an ongoing project and kept it going for years.

The practitioner that I visited in the camp told me that the authorities began to research my background and made inquiries about me. He suggested that I lay low and refrain from meeting with the team. He was concerned about my safety.

I asked myself if I was still afraid, and the answer was no. I decided to inform my family members of the persecution facts, and they supported me wholeheartedly. I decided to join the team to resist the persecution. When I made my decision, a vision revealed to me that what I did was actually part of a vow that I made many eons ago.

Our team has gone through a lot over the years, but with Master's reinforcement, it shocked the local persecutors. Some changed and no longer participated in the persecution. Also, many practitioners let go of fear and other human notions and helped greatly in our effort to stop the persecution.