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All 17 Detained Kangping Practitioners Released

Dec. 1, 2015

(Minghui.org) Seventeen Falun Gong practitioners in Kangping County, Liaoning Province, have recently been released. The practitioners were arrested by police and 610 Office staff between October 30 and November 6, 2015 for filing criminal complaints against former Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin.

Some of the practitioners were released the same day of their arrests. The others were released five to seven days later.

These practitioners are Gao Jie, Yang Zhenyu, Wang Hongying, Yang Zhehui, Guo Yi, Zhang Guixia, An Youjiang, Wang Yaowen, Jiang Xiufang, Fu Lixin, Chen Yuchun, Zhang Lifeng, Bai Jingjie, Meng Deyun, Zhao Shuzhen, Zhao Shuang, and Feng Xili.

The following details the arrests of these individuals. In some cases the police also harassed family members of the practitioners.

Ms. Gao Jie, in Wenhua Village, Shengli Township, Kangping County, was arrested by Zhao Zhi, director of the Shengli Police Station. Ms. Gao was sent to Shenyang Detention Center on October 31 and detained there for five days.

Mr. Qi Like's family was harassed by police officers from the Zhenbei Police Station in Kangping County on the night of October 30. The police intended to arrest Mr. Qi, who fortunately was not home at the time.

Mr. Yang Zhenyu was arrested by the director of the Erniu Township Police Station and other officers on October 30. He was later detained for five days at the Faku Detention Center.

Ms. Wang Hongying was arrested by officers from the Zhenbei Police Station around 8:30 p.m. on October 30. She was released the same night after she exhibited severe health problems.

Ms. Guo Shuxia's family was harassed by officers from the Xiaochengzi Police Station in Kangping County while she was away from home on October 30.

Ms. Song Jixia's family was harassed by officers from the Xiaochengzi Police Station while she was away from home on October 30.

Ms. Yang Zhehui and her husband Guo Yi were arrested from their home by six officers from the Zhenbei Police Station on November 1. Ms. Yang was sent to the Shenyang Detention Center, but released that night for health reasons.

Mr. Wang Yaowen and Ms. Jing Xiuhua were arrested by Dongguan Township Police on November 2. Mr. Wang was released after he went on a hunger strike for three days.

Mr. Zhang Guixia was arrested by Xiguan Township police on November 2.

Mr. An Youjiang went to request a fellow practitioner's release and was arrested on November 3.

Mr. Bo Jingjie was arrested by Zhenbei police on November 4. He was later released for health reasons.

Ms. Jiang Xiufang and her husband Mr. Fu Lixin were arrested and their home was searched by Zhennan police on November 5.

Practitioner Chen Yuchun was arrested by Xiaocheng police on November 5.

Ms. Zhang Lifeng was arrested from her home around 6 a.m. on November 5.