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Learning from Others at the 2015 Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan

Dec. 1, 2015 |   By Falun Dafa practitioners in Taipei

(Minghui.org) The 2015 Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan was held over the weekend on November 29. Over 7,000 practitioners attended this annual event at the National Taiwan University Sports Center in Taipei.

Nineteen practitioners spoke at the conference, sharing their experiences in the cultivation of heart and mind in various environments and endeavors. This included efforts to raise awareness to Chinese people at tourist sites, making phone calls to people in China, making good use of opportunities to improve oneself, and letting go of attachments.

The 2015 Falun Dafa Experience-Sharing Conference in Taiwan was held on November 29 at the National Taiwan University Sports Center.

Compassion Brought Changes at Tourist Sites

Since the Taiwanese government revised its policy in July 2008 and began accepting tourists from Mainland China, the number of Chinese tourists has increased steadily. After being exposed to propaganda from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for a long time, these tourists now had a chance get a new perspective not only on Taiwan, but also on Falun Dafa, thanks to practitioners' volunteer efforts.

Wu Xichang shared the experience of setting up a booth at Ximending, one of the main shopping areas in Taipei. “When I contacted the police and business association to apply for a permit, there was strong resistance [because of pressure from the Chinese government].” Mr. Wu did not give up. From the brutal persecution in China to practitioners' perseverance in their faith and courage to speak out, he explained the importance and urgency of Chinese tourists learning what is really going on in China.

“Practitioners in China are risking their lives to inform people of the facts, while I live in Taiwan, a land of freedom. I will do whatever I can and take full responsibility for this booth,” he said to the officers.

Moved by his sincerity and compassion, the business association president approved his application and things went smoothly henceforth.

Wu Xichang shared how he applied for a booth permit at a tourist site in Taipei.

Guo Siqi from Keelung has been going to a tourist site at Yehliu for the past six years. She said many tour guides gradually learned the real story of Falun Dafa and became supportive. “I remember one time when a tourist asked the tour guide if they could take materials from us, the tour guide said, 'Of course. Here, you can enjoy freedom.' Because of her encouragement, everyone on the tour bus took a flyer.”

Phone Calls to China: Perseverance and Xinxing Test

Zhao Yuee is a practitioner in her 70s. “I have benefited so much from Falun Dafa and I need to do my part to let more people know about it,” she said.

“I used to suffer illnesses from head to toe,” she recalled. She had to see the doctor very often, and occasionally ended up in the emergency room. “The practice of Falun Dafa changed all that. I have not needed any medication for the past 12 years and I am able to ride a bike to the group exercises at 4 a.m. every day.”

To help Chinese who've been affected by the CCP's vicious propaganda against Falun Dafa, she has been making phone calls to individuals in China for the past nine years. “Through the years I have spoken with judges, procuratorial officers, and police chiefs. When talking with them, the only thing on my mind is to let them know the truth so that they might stop persecuting Falun Dafa—doing so is not only good for practitioners, but will also benefit themselves.”

Zhao Yuee, a practitioner in her 70s, has been making phone calls to China for nine years.

Another practitioner Wu Xiuzhu also shared her experiences making phone calls. One time the person who answered the phone responded with flirtatious remarks and asked her to call back at another time, again and again. “In the end, we were able to have a conversation during the 8th phone call,” said Ms. Wu.

With patience and compassion, she explained to the man why one should withdraw his memberships in the CCP organizations. “The man later told me he was a Party member and asked me to help him declare his withdrawal. He also promised to tell others about it.”

“Consistently making phone calls to China is a test of our perseverance, and it also provides opportunities for us to improve xinxing [heart and mind],” Ms. Xu said during her speech. “If we really want to break through the difficulty, we will be able to make it.”

Validating the Fa with a Clear Main Consciousness

Zhan Jiayi from Central Taiwan said that she had considered her lack of ambition in her job a good thing, as it meant she was not overly attached to pursuit of fame or money. However, after starting to work in a news media, she discovered a problem with her mindset.

“I began to realize that as practitioners, we need to pay attention to everything we do and every sentence we say. In other words, our main consciousness needs to be clear and strong; otherwise, we may run into problems and cause bad consequences for ourselves or the team,” she said in her speech.

To correct that issue, Ms. Zhan started to get up early every day and keep things well organized. When meeting clients, she is always prepared and able to talk with clear and righteous thoughts. Things have been going well since then.

“I often remind myself to validate the Fa, not myself,” she said. Every time after signing a contract, she tells herself not to be zealous. “This way I am able to calm down, remain humble, and work towards the next contract.”

Zhan Jiayi said she has learned to be more responsible at work and in daily life.

Being Responsible with Time Management

Li Jianhao, who started to practice in 2002, joined a well-known foreign trade company after he retired from the army in 2008. He worked there for two years before switching to his current job at a news media, where the salary was less, but where he felt he could do more good for society.

Because of his work, Mr. Li had to spend lots of time on the internet every day. Distraction by various social media could easily become a problem. “Awakened to the issue while studying Master's teachings, especially On Dafa, I decided to keep a detailed record of how my time is spent every day, so that I could stay focused.”

Gradually he found it also an opportunity to apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. “First, we have to keep an accurate record of time to be truthful. Second, instead of wasting time, we should use it well to save people—we do this out of compassion. Third, we should be able to resist temptation from social media, something that requires forbearance,” shared Mr. Li.

Experience of a Teenager

Lin Junxiang, 13, is a sixth grade student. Once, a bombing occurred in Taiwan, leaving many patients with burn injuries in need of skin grafting. Chinese officials offered to export skin from corpses, but it was turned down by health authorities in Taiwan. “When the science teacher mentioned this in class, I took the opportunity to tell my teacher and classmates about the communist regime's brutal crime of harvesting organ from living Falun Dafa practitioners in China as well as subsequent tissue plastination.”

Junxiang said he also learned a lot from Journey to the West stories in Shen Yun performances. “From the impetuous Monkey King, I learned the importance of patience and being humble; from the lazy Pigsy, I know I need to be diligent and willing to accept criticism; from the Sand Monk, I realized I should able to take initiative and find a solution. Of course, the experience of Tang Monk taught me to act as a practitioner in the face of tribulations, and remain determined.”

Feedback from Attendees

Many practitioners said they learned a lot from the conference. Zeng Weixin, who teaches Japanese in a school said she heard about Falun Dafa from a high school teacher. “I considered her the best person I had ever met. Later she told me it was Falun Dafa that had given her such a positive outlook. So I began to read the books she recommended and became a practitioner, too.”

Ms. Zeng said listening to other practitioners' sharing made her think a lot. “Instead of simply listening to their stories, I found many of the topics discussed were related to me.” She said that thanks to the conference she felt she had a better understanding of how to handle issues related to sentimentality (qing).

“Some of these things may seem trivial, but if we do not pay attention to them and fail to make a breakthrough, they could block our progress in cultivation,” she said.

Yizhen, a practitioner from Kaohsiung, started practicing in 2008. “I was very touched by the talks today. I felt that is a place that we can open our hearts and share what's really on our mind. This a precious opportunity and we can all benefit from it.”

Zhang Guoliang, 71, has retired from Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology and he became a practitioner in 2004. “Today's sharing reminded me of the importance of solid cultivation, whether you're young or old, or whatever situation you are in.”

He said Falun Dafa teaches one to be a better and better person. “We now know the purpose of life, and how to be responsible to others and ourselves.”

Zhang Guoliang, 71, said people of all ages benefit from Falun Dafa.