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Additional Persecution News from China – November 10, 2015 (29 Reports)

Dec. 1, 2015

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 26 cities or counties in 13 provinces. According to this report, 2 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 53 were illegally arrested.

1. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Eleven Practitioners Arrested
2. [Guangze County, Fujian Province] Ms. Mao Jingmu Arrested
3. [Pucheng County, Fujian Province] Ms. Peng Bingying Detained
4. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuli Held in Brainwashing Center
5. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Tang Guilan Detained Ten Days
6. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Xiao Chunling Detained
7. [Taiyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yin Xuemei Detained 15 Days
8. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhong Yanlu Arrested
9. [Bayan Nur, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Wang Guoliang and Ms. Liu Shanghong Arrested
10. [Miyi, Sichuan Province] Mr. Jiang Jun and Mr. Zeng Guozhong Arrested
11. [Shifang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhang Qinghui Detained for 15 Days
12. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Na Yan and Ms. Wang Rongjun Arrested
13. [Changle County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Deqin Detained
14. [Nanjing, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Zhuang Yong and Ms. Chen Jiaying Detained
15. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Cai Guangping Arrested
16. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Lu Shuhua Arrested
17. [Tianjin] Four Practitioners Arrested
18. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhai Jinhua and Ms. Gao Zhenxiang Arrested
19. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Jingxia Detained
20. [Tengzhou, Shandong Province] More Than Ten Practitioners Detained
21. [Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Xianping Detained for Seven Days
22. [Tianjin] Mr. Kong Deguang Detained for Fifteen Days
23. [Shanggao, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Luo Qiong Arrested
24. [Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Yan Arrested
25. [Dawa, Liaoning Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested
26. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wen Xiuhua Detained for Fifteen Days
27. [Guiyang, Guizhou Province] Ms. Gao Yuqin Arrested
28. [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Guixiang Arrested
29. [Linhai City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Wu Sumei and Mr. Feng Heping Arrested

1. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Eleven Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Lu Shiying, Ms. Yu Haiying, Ms. Li Guojun, Ms. Lu Xin, Mr. Zhao Hongjun, Mr. Jiang Wei, Ms. Jing Fei, Ms. Dong, Ms. Xiaoxia, Mr. Yan Jiguang, and Ms. Liu Yaping were arrested on November 9, 2015.

Parties involved in persecuting them:Li Chao (李超), director, Chaoyang City Police Department: +86-421-2615149, +86-18342116855Luo Zhifeng (罗志峰), deputy director: +86-13942150033, +86-421-3806002Hong Deming (洪德明), captain, Chaoyang City Domestic Security Division: +86-421-3801039, +86-421-3801039Gai Yongwe (盖永武), director, City Society Stability Maintenance Office: +86-15304971777, +86-421-2620610

2. [Guangze County, Fujian Province] Ms. Mao Jingmu Arrested

Ms. Mao Jingmu was arrested on October 27, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin.

3. [Pucheng County, Fujian Province] Ms. Peng Bingying Detained

Ms. Peng Bingying was arrested for speaking up for Falun Gong on October 9, 2015. She is held at the Wuyishan Detention Center.

4. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Ms. Zhang Xiuli Held in Brainwashing Center

Ms. Zhang Xiuli who works at the Liancheng Aluminum Factory in Lanzhou City, was arrested on November 3, 2015. Police ransacked her home and incarcerated her in the Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center.

5. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Tang Guilan Detained Ten Days

Ms. Tang Guilan was arrested on November 3, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. She was subjected to 10 days of detention but allowed to serve the term at home.

6. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Ms. Xiao Chunling Detained

Ms. Xiao Chunling was arrested at work on November 9, 2015. Police confiscated her computer, cell phone, a portrait of the founder of Falun Gong and Falun Gong books. Ms. Xiao was detained at the Yaojia Detention Center.

7. [Taiyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yin Xuemei Detained 15 Days

Ms. Yin Xuemei, age 52, was arrested on November 2, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. She was subjected to 15 days detention and detained at the Taiyuan City Detention Center.

8. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhong Yanlu Arrested

Mr. Zhong Yanlu, age 80, was arrested on October 26, 2015. Officers from the Liyuan Police Station searched his home, and extorted 1,000 yuan from his family before they released him.

9. [Bayannur, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Wang Guoliang and Ms. Liu Shanghong Arrested

Ms. Wang Guoliang was arrested for speaking up for Falun Gong on November 1, 2015. Police also took away her niece, Ms. Liu Shanghong, and held her for 15 days at the Wuyuan County Detention Center.

10. [Miyi, Sichuan Province] Mr. Jiang Jun and Mr. Zeng Guozhong Arrested

Mr. Jiang Jun and Mr. Zeng Guozhong from Panlianhua Town filed lawsuits against Jiang Zemin. They were arrested on November 9, 2015.

11. [Shifang City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhang Qinghui Detained for 15 Days

Ms. Zhang Qinghui was arrested on October 19, 2015. He was detained for 15 days.

12. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Na Yan and Ms. Wang Rongjun Arrested

Ms. Na Yan, a nurse from Shenyang No. 6 Hospital, was arrested at work on November 2, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. She was jailed at the Santaizi Detention Center. Her mother, Ms. Wang Rongjun was arrested on November 4 for asking about her situation at the South Market Police Station.

13. [Changle County, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Deqin Detained

Ms. Wang Deqin from Weifang City was arrested on October 27, 2015 by officers from the Wutu Town Police Station in Changle County. Police also searched her home. She is imprisoned in Changle County.

14. [Nanjing, Jiangsu Province] Mr. Zhuang Yong and Ms. Chen Jiaying Detained

Mr. Zhuang Yong and Ms. Chen Jiaying, both from Lishui District, were held in the Baima Brainwashing Center after they were incarcerated for a month at the Nanjing City Detention Center.

15. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Cai Guangping Arrested

Ms. Cai Guangping of Haladaokou Town was arrested on November 8, 2015.

16. [Chifeng, Inner Mongolia] Ms. Lu Shuhua Arrested

Ms. Lu Shuhua of Haladaokou Town was arrested on November 9, 2015 by officers from the Haladaokou Town Police Department. She was taken to the Jianping County Domestic Security Division.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Lu:Bai, director. Haladaokou Town Police Station: +86-13898088007, +86-421-7781007Yu Jie (于杰): +86-13942142630Geng Weiguang (耿维广): +86-15042197008Wang Songchao (王松超): +86-13634901387

17. [Tianjin] Four Practitioners Arrested

Mr. Zhang Ziwen, Ms. Liu Yuhong, Mr. Zhang Ximing, and Ms. Zhu Xiuju were arrested on November 5, 2015. Mr. Zhang Ximing is the son of Mr. Zhang Ziwen and Ms. Liu Yuhong.

18. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhai Jinhua and Ms. Gao Zhenxiang Arrested

Ms. Zhai Jinhua and Ms. Gao Zhenxiang, both from Zhangdian District, were arrested at home on October 28, 2015. Ms. Zhai is held at the Zibo City Detention Center. Ms. Gao's whereabouts are unknown.

19. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Ms. Liu Jingxia Detained

Ms. Liu Jingxia of Dongling District, Shenyang was arrested on November 4, 2015. She was taken to the Shenyang Detention Center.

20. [Tengzhou, Shandong Province] More Than Ten Practitioners Detained

More than ten practitioners, including Ms. Zhao Hongxia, Ms. Zhao Hengying, Ms. Liu Sijing, and Ms. Zhao Yuxia, were arrested and detained on November 3, 2015 for suing Jiang Zimin.

21. [Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Xianping Detained for Seven Days

Mr. Wang Xianping was taken to the East Zhaoqing Railway Police Station on October 26, 2015 for carrying Falun Gong books in his bag. He was subjected to administrative detention for seven days.

22. [Tianjin] Mr. Kong Deguang Detained for Fifteen Days

Mr. Kong Deguang of Jiubaihu Village, Daliang Town, Wuqing District, Tianjin was arrested on November 5, 2015. He was detained for fifteen days.

23. [Shanggao, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Luo Qiong Arrested

Ms. Luo Qiong of Shanggao was arrested for distributing Falun Gong flyers on November 9, 2015.

24. [Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Yan Arrested

Mr. Wang Yan was arrested on November 5, 2015.

25. [Dawa, Liaoning Province] Seven Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Yu Songmin, Mr. Zhang Guangwen, Mr. Zhang Guangxue, and Ms. Tian Chunhua, all from Dawa, were arrested on November 6, 2015 by officers from the Tianjia Police Station. The men were detained at the Dawa Detention Center, the women were held at the Panjin No. 3 Detention Center.

Ms. Wang Yuzhen, Ms. Li Yulan, and Mr. Xiao Jinyong were arrested. Mr. Xiao signed a document and was released. The others were held at the Xinglongtai Police Station in Panjin.

26. [Siping City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wen Xiuhua Detained for Fifteen Days

Ms. Wen Xiuhua was arrested on October 13, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. She was detained for 15 days at the Siping Detention Center.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Wen:Zhao Dongwei (赵东伟), director, Beimen Police Station: +86-18543412336Liu Hongyan (刘洪岩), political instructor: +86-18543411478Wan Guoan (万国安), security deputy director: +86-18543411480Xie Zhihong (薛志鸿), neighborhood deputy director: +86-18543411481

27. [Guiyang, Guizhou Province] Ms. Gao Yuqin Arrested

Ms. Gao Yuqin, age 65, was arrested on October 4, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin by officers from the Daxing Police Station in Xiaohe. Her whereabouts are unknown.

Parties involved in persecuting Ms. Gao:Xiaohe District Police Department, Guiyang: +86-851- 83847110, +86-851-3836110Daxing Police Station: +86-851-83481110Zhou Juan (周娟), director: +86-13608502778

28. [Harbin, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zhang Guixiang Arrested

Ms. Zhang Guixiang was arrested on November 8, 2015.

Xiangfangdajie Police Station: +86-451-55641117, +86-18944512288Song Kaijun (宋凯军): +86-15104605135Ning Guoqiang (宁国强), political instructor: +86-18945689000Wu Hongwei (吴宏伟), deputy director: +86-13351886877

29. [Linhai City, Zhejiang Province] Ms. Wu Sumei and Mr. Feng Heping Arrested

Ms. Wu Sumei and Mr. Feng Heping were arrested while they were picking their daughter up from the railroad station on November 8, 2015.

Parties involved in persecuting them:Wang Yong (王勇), Political and Security Office, Linhai Domestic Security Division:+86-13958570033, +86-576-85221341Lu Po (卢波): +86-13906766988, +86-576-85152811Wenling City Police Department: +86-576-86221641