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The Book Zhuan Falun Saved My Life

Dec. 2, 2015 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Shandong China

(Minghui.org) I started practicing Falun Dafa in 2006. While I was in the depths of despair, I read Master Li Hongzhi’s (Falun Dafa’s founder) book Zhuan Falun, and it saved me from committing suicide.

I'm an average woman with only a middle school education. My only goal in life was to find a good man, get married, have children and take care of my family.

However, the birth of our first child was difficult, and I did not fully recover. For years, my arms and legs were painful and sometimes even numb. I was terrified I would end up permanently paralyzed.

My illness caused my family great unhappiness and my husband and I constantly fought and argued. During one violent episode, one of my lumbar discs was injured and I could no longer bend forward. My condition made my life even more difficult, and simple tasks, like washing clothes or mopping the floor, became nearly impossible. Even little things like brushing my teeth or washing my face was hard.

As the violence escalated, my self-pity turned into hatred for my husband. After one especially vicious argument, I began to think about revenge and even thought about the best way to hurt my husband in order to cause him the most pain.

Living in a state of constant unhappiness, my appearance changed. My deep depression and feeling of hopelessness caused my facial features to become twisted. I longingly dreamed that I was floating high above a dark and endless sea.

Everything changed one day in May 2006 when I was given a book, Zhuan Falun.

I read Zhuan Falun every day. The teachings melted the ice in my heart. I understood that everything happens for a reason, and only compassion and tolerance can resolve the deepest of resentments and hatred.

After I let go of years of resentment and did my best to follow the principles of “Truthfulness-Compassionate-Forbearance,” I became healthy.

The constant pain in my arms and legs, my dislocated lumbar disc, the numbness, insomnia, and depression that troubled me for more than a decade disappeared.

I felt energetic and happy, like a young girl again!

My husband noticed my positive changes and returned home. We no longer fought and our family finally lived in harmony.

However, simply because I told people my story and that, “Falun Dafa is good,” I was illegally arrested and jailed in a forced labor camp. For many years after I was released I had to wander about in different cities to avoid being persecuted again. Pressured by the authorities, my husband divorced me.

The authorities also placed my mother under around-the-clock surveillance. I could not see her before she passed away.

I know Jiang Zemin, the former head of China, started the persecution, and is responsible. I don't have any resentment towards the people who work in the judicial systems.

When I was jailed in a forced labor camp, a head guard asked why our Master did not come to save me. I said I had been saved many years ago by Master.

When she asked if I hated her, I smiled and told her that I did not hate any of the guards or police. I was extremely fortunate because I had Falun Dafa. They were the unfortunate ones, because they were deceived and were being used by Jiang Zemin.

For 16 years, Jiang Zemin and his accomplices abused their power and hook winked the entire nation of China into persecuting Falun Dafa. The lies and propaganda spread by their media instigated hatred towards the Buddha's Law.

This persecution destroyed many families and murdered thousands of people. But I have no fear. I wish to tell everyone, especially those who are still carrying out the persecution: “Stop persecuting Falun Dafa!”