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Additional Persecution News from China – November 2, 2015 (42 Reports)

Dec. 2, 2015

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 39 cities or counties in 10 provinces. According to this report, 52 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 64 were illegally arrested.

1. [Jianping County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Hongli Sentenced to Six Years in Prison
2. [Zhangwu County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Chunrong Detained
3. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Jing Fengwei Detained
4. [Dai County, Shanxi Province] Blood Samples Forcibly Taken from Elderly Ms. Li Guifang
5. [Gaomi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Shan Xiufang Arrested
6. [Zhangye City, Gansu Province] Elderly Ms. Liu YuGui and Daughter Harassed
7. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Lifang Has Not Returned Home
8. [Nong'an County, Jilin Province] Ms. Meng Qingyun Arrested
9. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Practitioners Arrested; Seven Practitioners Harassed
10. [Beijing] Ms. Cai Fengxia Forced to Leave Home
11. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Five Practitioners Detained
12. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Xiaowei Detained
13. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] Elderly Ms. Han Cuixian Arrested
14. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Arrested; Ms. Bi Yuhua Harassed
15. [Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Zhengxin and Mother-in-Law Ms. Han Detained
16. [Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Peiyu and Husband Detained
17. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Three Practitioners Detained
18. [Chongqing] Three Practitioners Harassed
19. [Dunhuang City, Gansu Province] Six Practitioners Arrested
20. [Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province] Seven Practitioners Detained
21. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Cui Bin Detained
22. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Shuying Detained
23. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Gao Jianxin and Wife Ms. Zhang Shiyun Detained
24. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Several Practitioners Interrogated and Blood Samples Taken
25. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wu Xiumei Detained
26. [Lankao County, Henan Province] Mr. Liu Yubao Detained
27. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Jinxiang Harassed
28. [Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province] Four Practitioners Arrested
29. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Several Practitioners Harassed and Arrested
30. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Ms. Geng Juan Displaced; Several Other Practitioners Arrested
31. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Guihuan and Mr. Fan Rong Arrested
32. [Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Xu Mulan Arrested
33. [Xiaogan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Shujun and Ms. Zhu Xiulian Detained
34. [Xingyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Zhang Jingfu Detained
35. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ma Qingyi Detained
36. [Chongqing] Ms. Wan Hengmei and Mr. Li Chaogui Arrested
37. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhao Yufang Detained
38. [Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province] Fifteen Practitioners Harassed
39. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhou Fengjuan Detained
40. [Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Detained
41. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Detained
42. [Kangping County, Liaoning Province] Ms Yang Zhehui and Husband Mr. Guo Yi Arrested

1. [Jianping County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Hongli Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

Mr. Zhao Hongli, in his 40s, was arrested in September 2013 and sentenced to six years in prison. He is held in the No. 12 Ward in Jinzhou Prison. He was also sentenced to eight years in prison in 2004.

2. [Zhangwu County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Chunrong Detained

Mr. Yang Chunrong was arrested and detained for 10 days.

3. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Jing Fengwei Detained

Ms. Jing Fengwei was reported to the police for talking to people about Falun Gong on October 29, 2015. She was arrested and taken to the Weizigou Detention Center.

4. [Dai County, Shanxi Province] Blood Samples Forcibly Taken from Elderly Ms. Li Guifang

Yan Dongwen and six officers from the Shangguan Town Police Station broke into 72-year-old Ms. Li Guifang's home in Beiguan Village and ransacked it on October 29, 2015. Ms. Li was taken to the police station. Three officers held down the elderly lady to take blood samples and fingerprints. They threatened to take her to a detention center if she did not sign the paperwork.

5. [Gaomi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Shan Xiufang Arrested

Ms. Shan Xiufang was arrested by officers from the Kangzhuang Police Station on October 29, 2015.

6. [Zhangye City, Gansu Province] Elderly Ms. Liu YuGui and Daughter Harassed

An officer from the Zhangye City Police Department and officers from the Linze County Police Department showed up at Ms. Liu Yugui, in her 70s, and her daughter Ms. Tang Yun's home to harass them on October 28, 2015.

Mr. Liu filed her lawsuit against Jiang Zemin in July 2015. Local community personnel and police officers went to her home and interrogated her in September. They took photos of her and fingerprints.

7. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jin Lifang Has Not Returned Home

Yue Yong, an officer from the Yangshi Township Police Station, Yuhong District, told Ms. Jin Lifang to come to the police station on the morning of October 28, 2015. Ms. Jin went there. She has not returned home.

8. [Nong'an County, Jilin Province] Ms. Meng Qingyun Arrested

Six officers from the Baota Police Station, Nong'an Town broke into Ms. Meng Qingyun's home and ransacked it on September 30, 2015. Ms. Meng was arrested and taken to the police station. The officers extorted 10,000 yuan from her family before releasing her.

9. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Practitioners Arrested; Seven Practitioners Harassed

Ms. Zhan Cuiling, Xing'an District, was arrested by offices from the Xing'anlu Police Station on the morning of October 23, 2015. The officers took her to the police station and took written notes during interrogation. She was released.

Mr. Liu Changshan and Mr. Wang Liguo learned that Ms. Zhan was arrested and went to the police station demanding her release. They were both held by the officers, who took written notes during the interrogation. They were then released. Afterward the officers went to both practitioners' homes to harass them. They arrested Mr. Liu and Mr. Wang and took them to the Hegang City Detention Center that night.

The officers also harassed Ms. Wang Shumei, Ms. Wang Yuzhen, Ms. Ma Shuzhen, and Ms. Fu Yafang.

Qu Jianjun and four other officers from the Xingjianlu Police Station went to Mr. Gao Zhenqi's home on October 27, 2015 to question him about his lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. The officers took Mr. Gao to the police station for interrogation. The officers forcibly took his fingerprints before releasing him.

Yan Mingjun and four officers from the Xingjianlu Police Station broke into Mr. Wang Qinghua's home and questioned him about his lawsuit against Jiang Zemin on the evening of October 27, 2015. The officers forced Mr. Wang to sign the notes they had taken during the interrogation and a guarantee statement. The officers threatened to take him to the police station if he did not sign the papers.

Mr. Yang Ronggang and elderly practitioner Ding were also harassed.

10. [Beijing] Ms. Cai Fengxia Forced to Leave Home

Ms. Cai Fengxia from the Shunyi District, was reported to the police for telling people about Falun Gong in July 2015. Later on, police officers and court personnel harassed her constantly. She was forced to leave her home to escape the harassment.

11. [Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province] Five Practitioners Detained

Officers from the Liming Police Station, Jianhua District recently arrested Ms. Wang Qiuyan, Ms. Li Guizhi, Ms. Li Guiqin, Ms. Peng Shurong, and Ms. Zhao Xiuzhi. The five practitioners are held in the Qiqihar City No. 1 Detention Center.

Ms. Wang Qiuyan was beaten and injured by the police station officers. She could not eat for nine days. She was force-fed in the detention center.

Parties involved in the persecution of the five practitioners:Wu Wei (吴畏), director, Liming Police Station: +86-13514603180Shen Hongjian (沈红建), deputy director: +86-13946274994

12. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Zhao Xiaowei Detained

Officers from the Beita Police Department and Yanbei Community personnel broke into Mr. Zhao Xiaowei's home and ransacked it on October 21, 2015. They confiscated Falun Gong books. Mr. Zhao was not at home. The officers broke into his home again and arrested him on October 22. Mr. Zhao is held in the Chaoyang Detention Center.

13. [Leshan City, Sichuan Province] Elderly Ms. Han Cuixian Arrested

Ms. Han Cuixian, 72, was arrested and taken to the Xiaoba Police Station for telling people about Falun Gong and for distributing Falun Gong informational materials on October 25, 2015. The officers body searched and questioned her, and also took photos. Despite a notice the police issued for placing her under10 days of administrative detention, she returned home safely that day.

14. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Arrested; Ms. Bi Yuhua Harassed

Ms. Bi Yuhua was harassed on October 28, 2015. Several copies of Falun Gong books were confiscated.

Mr. Liu Shuang was arrested and taken to a detention center on the same day.

Liu Caijun, head of the Ongniud Banner Domestic Security Division, and seven or eight officers including Gao Jiulei from the police station broke into Mr. Wang Qinglin's home and ransacked it on October 30, 2015. The officers took Mr. Wang to the police department for interrogation. He was released.

Mr. Jiang Xuenong was also arrested at the same time.

15. [Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Zhengxin and Mother-in-Law Ms. Han Detained

Mr. Li Zhengxin and his mother-in-law Ms. Han were arrested on June 10, 2015. They are detained in the Yuelou Detention Center. No decision was made at the first hearing on October 8, 2015.

16. [Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Peiyu and Husband Detained

Ms. Liu Peiyu and her husband were arrested for suing Jiang Zemin by officers from the Dongshan Police Station, Jiagedaqi District on October 29, 2015. The couple was taken to the Jiagedaqi Detention Center for 5 days of detention.

Party involved in persecuting the two practitioners:Police officer: +86-13089921818

17. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Three Practitioners Detained

Zhou Feng and two officers from the Erqiao Police Station, Hanyang District broke into Ms. Li Hezhen's home and arrested her, Ms. Zhang Lamei, and Ms. Zhu Hanzhen at noon on October 21, 2015. The three practitioners were held in the Erqiao Police Station for two days and one night, and not given any food or water. The officers forcibly took blood samples from them.

Ms. Zhang was found to have high blood pressure, and Ms. Li to have tuberculosis. The detention center refused to admit them. The two practitioners are now back home on bail.

Ms. Zhu was initially taken to Yushunshan (formerly Erdaopeng Brainwashing Center). She is currently held in the Wuhan City No. 1 Detention Center.

Party involved in persecuting the practitioners:Li Huiming (李惠明), deputy director, Erqiao Police Station: +86-13971624076

18. [Chongqing] Three Practitioners Harassed

Mr. Luo Jitao, Ms. Chen Zhongling, and Ms. Huang Enju were harassed for suing Jiang Zemin.

19. [Dunhuang City, Gansu Province] Six Practitioners Arrested

A total of 11 people, including Wang Shuguo, head of the Domestic Security Division, other officers, and local residential committee personnel, broke into Ms. Sun Cailing's home on the morning of October 26, 2015. They arrested Ms. Sun Cailing, Ms. Zhang Ximei, and Ms. Zhao Yuying.

Ms. Yu Xiulan, in her 70s, was arrested at noon.

Ms. Zhao Yuying and Ms. Zhang Ximei were released that night. Ms. Sun Cailing and Mr. Xu Yufeng (arrested the following day) were taken to a detention center for 15 days of administrative detention.

Elderly Ms. Yu Xiulan was also placed under administrative detention for 15 days. But her term was changed to be served outside the detention center after they had extorted 800 yuan.

The situation of Ms. Cheng Yulan, who was arrested on October 27, is not known.

Party involved in persecuting the practitioners:Wang Shuguo (王树国), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-13830153334

20. [Xinzhou City, Shanxi Province] Seven Practitioners Detained

Ms. Zhao Xiying, in her 60s, Mr. Wang Shunxi, in his 60s, and four more practitioners were arrested and taken to the Xinzhou City Detention Center on October 30, 2015.

21. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Cui Bin Detained

Mr. Cui Bin was arrested for suing Jiang Zemin by local police officers on October 26, 2015. He is held in the Beitai Detention Center.

22. [Dezhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Shuying Detained

Ms. Wang Shuying was arrested at noon on October 31, 2015 by officers from the Jianshejie Police Station on grounds of verifying her lawsuit against Jiang Zemin. She has been detained for 10 days. Her daughter, who is in high school, was left at home alone.

Party involved in persecuting Ms. Wang:Wei Jiangang (魏建刚), Jianshejie Police Station: +86-13336273333

23. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Gao Jianxin and Wife Ms. Zhang Shiyun Detained

Officers from the Xinhua Police Department arrested Mr. Gao Jianxin, 63, and his wife Ms. Zhang Shiyun, 63, on October 28, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. The couple is held in the Chaoyang City Detention Center in Beishan Village, Xidayingzi Town.

The couple was sentenced and is on probation since 2012 by the Longcheng District Procuratorate and Court.

24. [Guiyang City, Guizhou Province] Seven Practitioners Interrogated and Blood Samples Taken

Officers from the Shachonglu Police Station, the Taoyuanlu Residential Committee personnel, and the personnel from the Shachonglu Neighborhood Administration Office broke into seven practitioners’ homes, interrogated them, and also forcibly took blood samples from them.

The seven practitioners are: Mr. Wu Diqi, Mr. Liang Zhengrong, Ms. Li Guangxiu, Ms. Wu Jinyu, Ms. Hu Shixian, Ms. Yan Peiqin, and Ms. Zhang Guilan.

The officers confiscated DVDs of Mr. Li's Lectures in Guangzhou City in Ms. Wu Jinyu's home.

25. [Datong City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Wu Xiumei Detained

Ms. Wu Xiumei and another practitioner went to Dongjiazhuang Village, Nanquan Township, Ying County, Shuozhou City, to tell people about Falun Gong on October 30, 2015. Someone reported them to the police.

Ms. Wu was arrested by officers from the Nanquan Township Police Station. She was taken to the Ying County Detention Center on the morning of October 31, 2015. She is on a hunger strike protesting the persecution. The other practitioner escaped. Her bag was snatched, which contained truth-clarification materials and 300 yuan.

Party involved in persecuting the practitioners:Xi Ying (席英), head, Ying County 610 Office: +86-15803493000

26. [Lankao County, Henan Province] Mr. Liu Yubao Detained

Mr. Liu Yubao, in his 60s, was arrested by Zhang Wenxue, head of the Lankao County Domestic Security Division, and officers for telling people about Falun Gong on October 12, 2015. He was detained in the Lankao County Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecution of Mr. Liu:Langkao County Police Department: +86-378-26998000Zhang Wenxue (张文学), head, Lankao County Domestic Security Division: +86-13603485577

27. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Ms. Wang Jinxiang Harassed

Cao Wen, director of the Tumenling Town Police Station, Jiutai District, and officers ransacked Ms. Wang Jinxiang's home in Huangshan Village, Tumenling Town, on October 27, 2015. Ms. Wang was not at home. The officers took her non-practitioner husband to the police station for questioning him about her whereabouts. Three police officers showed up at her home again on the evening of October 29.

28. [Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province] Four Practitioners Arrested

Officers from the Huai'an District 610 Office and police station arrested four practitioners on October 30, 2015 for suing Jiang Zemin. Ms. Zeng Yuying, Mr. Chen Bingcai, and Ms. Dong Fengying returned home. Mr. Zhou Qingmao was placed under administrative detention for 15 days.

29. [Liaocheng City, Shandong Province] Several Practitioners Harassed and Arrested

Mr. Liang Yanqing, his mother, Dr. Zhang from the Dongchangfu District, were arrested on October 24, 2015. Mr. Liang's mother was released the following day. Mr. Liang and Dr. Zhang were detained for 10 days.

Mr. Liu Guohua was arrested on October 24, 2015. He was detained for seven days.

Mr. Liu Yanpeng, Ms. Sun Yubin, Ms. Wang Jinxiang, and elderly Ms. Jing were harassed recently.

30. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Ms. Geng Juan Displaced; Several Other Practitioners Arrested

Ms. Geng Juan was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. Ms. Liu Aiwen, Mr. Wu Chengtai, and other practitioners were arrested.

31. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Li Guihuan and Mr. Fan Rong Arrested

Ms. Li Guihuan and Mr. Fan Rong were arrested recently.

32. [Zhenjiang City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Xu Mulan Arrested

Ms. Xu Mulan was arrested on October 29, 2015.

33. [Xiaogan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Shujun and Ms. Zhu Xiulian Detained

Ms. Zhang Shujun and Ms. Zhu Xiulian were reported to police for telling people about Falun Gong on October 30, 2015. Both practitioners were arrested and taken to the Huangpixilu Detention Center.

34. [Xingyang City, Henan Province] Mr. Zhang Jingfu Detained

Mr. Zhang Jingfu was arrested at home by the Xingyang City police on October 16, 2015. He is held in the Zhengzhou Detention Center.

Party involved in persecuting him:Chai Limin (柴利民), head, Shangjie 610 Office: +86-13703990077

35. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ma Qingyi Detained

Mr. Ma Qingyi was arrested at work on November 1, 2015 by officers from the Gaode Police Station, Taiping District, for suing Jiang Zemin. He was taken to a detention center.

36. [Chongqing] Ms. Wan Hengmei and Mr. Li Chaogui Arrested

Ms. Wan Hengmei and Mr. Li Chaogui from Yongchuan District, were arrested on October 30, 2015. Mr. Li was released the same day. Ms. Wan has not returned home.

37. [Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhao Yufang Detained

Yang Yugang and six other officers from the Zhuozhou City Domestic Security Division arrested Ms. Zhao Yufang at work on October 31, 2015. The officers confiscated a computer and Falun Gong books, among other items. The officers confiscated another computer the following day. Ms. Zhao is held in the Zhuozhou City Police Department.

38. [Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province] Fifteen Practitioners Harassed

The local police harassed 15 practitioners from the Zhaoyang District, and ransacked their homes. They also forcibly took fingerprints and gathered signatures.

The 15 practitioners are: Ms. Wang Zhengying, Ms. Zhuang Lianfen, Ms. Huang Daozhen, Ms. Chen Gongfen, Ms. Shi Shaocui, Ms. Shi Shaolan, Ms. Lu Dafang, Ms. Long Guoyu, Ms. Zu Shouzhen, Ms. Zhu Qiong, Ms. Ma Dimei, Mr. Shi Shaoquan, Ms. Deng Fahui, Ms. Chen Dehui, and an unnamed practitioner.

39. [Liaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhou Fengjuan Detained

Ms. Zhou Fengjuan was arrested recently for suing Jiang Zemin. She is held in the Liaoyang Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Zhou:Li Ying (李莹), deputy director, Baita Police Station: +86-15141922111Su Yuming (苏禹铭), deputy director: +86-15542951164Song Xiecai (宋协财), police officer: +86-15902491212

40. [Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province] Five Practitioners Detained

Mr. Yang Shushen and Ms. Li Yuqin were arrested and taken to the Chaoyang City Detention Center on October 25, 2015.

Ms. Liu Yanhua, Ms. Liu Yanqiu, and Ms. Wang Wenlan were also arrested and taken to the Chaoyang City Detention Center on October 26, 2015 for 10 days of detention.

Parties involved in the persecution of the practitioners:Zhang Meng (张猛), chief, Chaoyang County Police Department: +86-18342139099, +86-421-2913326Li Changjun (李长军), deputy chief: +86-15804961111, +86-421-2921736, +86-421-2651111Liu Zhiying (刘志英), deputy head, Chaoyang County Domestic Security Division: +86-13842187788

41. [Chiping County, Shandong Province] Three Practitioners Detained

Li Jian, deputy director of the Boping Town Police Station, and officers arrested Ms. Li Jilan from Luozhuang Village, Mr. Qin Guanglu from Duzhuang Village, and Ms. Li Xianglian from Zhaozhuang Village, on October 31, 2015. The three practitioners were taken to the Liaocheng Detention Center.

Parties involved in the persecution of the practitioners:Ma Ruijin (马瑞金), head, Domestic Security Division: +86-18866351185, +86-635-4262672, +86-635-4262156Sang Shifeng (桑士峰), head, Chiping County 610 Office: +86-635-4276077, +86-635-4271051, +86-635-4277709

42. [Kangping County, Liaoning Province] Ms Yang Zhehui and Husband Mr. Guo Yi Arrested

Officers from the Zhenbei Police Station broke into Ms. Yang Zhehui's home on November 1, 2015. They arrested her and her husband, Mr. Guo Yi.

Parties involved in the persecution of the two practitioners:Wang Zhiyong (王智勇), director, Zhenbei Police Station: +86-13998325977, +86-24-87343603Cao Jinsong (曹劲松), political head: +86-13909832257, +86-24-87343603Ma Shumin (马树民), head, 610 Office: +86-15840324828