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Master Gives Us Wisdom to Succeed in Dafa Endeavors

Dec. 30, 2015 |   By Yongmei, a practitioner in Liaoning province, China

(Minghui.org) I have practiced Falun Dafa for many years, but I have practiced alone at home. However, I was in contact with a practitioner who gave me Dafa informational materials on a regular basis. I then realized that I should print these materials and walk my own cultivation path.

Dafa Messages Printed on Currency

Paper currency marked with messages is a way to tell the public about Falun Dafa and the persecution. This is done so practitioners can evade censorship by the authorities, as currency is unlikely to be destroyed.

I used to write Dafa messages on currency with a pen. Then one day when I was out of town, I saw Dafa messages digitally printed on currency, something that was not practiced in my area. So, I decided to print messages on currency.

For this effort I needed a printer, but I had no idea how to install or use one. I did not know how to connect my computer to the printer and how to print the messages on the currency. Despite an extensive search, I could not find a practitioner with the technical skills to teach me. Master said:

“…When disciples have ample righteous thoughtsMaster has the power to turn back the tide”("The Master-Disciple Bond" from Hong Yin Vol. II)

Strong Belief in Master and the Fa

The thought that Master would take care of me entered my mind. I knew I did not need to rely on others.

The printer I bought was made overseas and the manual was written in a foreign language. Still, I thought that my strong belief in Master and the Fa would help me succeed in this undertaking.

It took me about six hours to install the printer software on my computer, but unfortunately it did not work. Therefore, I decided to take the printer to a practitioner’s house and ask her child for help. However, the printer fell off my bike. This was a hint from Master. I realized that the software was already installed and all I needed to do was to boot up the computer.

I then taught myself how to print the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, print messages on currency, copy Shen Yun DVDs, and so on. A practitioner taught me how to print Master’s books.

I faced every problem and fixed it without delay, because this was my responsibility.

My lifestyle was simple, as I lived by myself. My day was filled with talking to people about Dafa and printing Dafa informational materials. Master said, “However much you put in, that’s how much you get out. That’s how it works.” (Zhuan Falun)

Practitioners Persevere

Practitioners asked me to teach them how to print Dafa messages on currencies, but I had just started to do that and had no confidence to teach others. Still, I taught them everything I knew, and that included how to clean the paper currency, dry and press it, and how to encourage more practitioners to learn how to print messages this way.

This was my mission. I knew that Master gave me the ability to help fellow practitioners with the technical skills I had learned.

There were only a few practitioners in my city with good technical skills, but many practitioners needed to learn to produce Dafa materials.

I wanted to learn to install computers, but it took me around a year to find a practitioner who had just learned to install computers. Three fellow practitioners and I sat down with her, and it took 16 pages to copy down all the information from her notes. The other practitioners could not understand what they were told, and I also had not yet understood everything I was told.

The practitioner with the technical skills left, and I could not find another person to teach me. I continued with my efforts but could not understand all of the terminology. I went many times to a computer shop to ask questions, and some of the sales people teased and gossiped about me.

Cultivators Master Technical Skills Despite Low-Level Education

The anti-virus software did not have any Chinese instructions, so I clicked on each letter to see if it worked, and I had to go through this procedure several times. I wrote everything down.

It took many hours to go through the instructions, but I still did not make much headway. I thought to stop my efforts, just print the Dafa informational materials, and get them distributed. However, this was not a right thought and I denied it immediately. I asked Master to help me, because I could not give up, no matter how hard it was.

After I had mastered that skill, which took 4 months, it took me 20 hours to install the first computer for a practitioner. I logged in to the Minghui.org. and saw Master’s photo. I hugged that fellow practitioner, and tears fell.

The fellow practitioner’s younger sister, who is a computer major, said “How could someone with only a sixth grade elementary school education, someone who cannot read any foreign language, install the computer and software? I cannot believe it.”

Master said, “Only people who cultivate, only those who are looked after by gods, could make it through.” (“Teaching the Fa in San Francisco, 2005”)

Impatience of Demon Nature

To help practitioners install computers and set up Dafa materials production sites, I bought additional equipment. Many elderly practitioners had a low-level education and were busy with a lot of house chores. They learned very slowly and easily forgot what they had learned. Sometimes, I did not want to talk to them anymore.

I looked within and found that my impatience was of demon nature. I also realized that I had several attachments: I was competitive, wanted to show off, and wanted to earn a profit when I shopped for equipment for fellow practitioners. Therefore, my helping fellow practitioners was a great opportunity to eliminate my attachments.

I held classes to teach practitioners how to install computers. This endeavor helped me let go of many attachments such as being afraid of difficult work, laziness, complaining, and relying on others.

I firmly believe that what I had accomplished was because Master strengthened me and gave me wisdom. No matter how hard the path ahead of me, I will walk a straight path without any detours.