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Finland: Tourists and Locals Learn about Falun Gong

Feb. 24, 2015 |   By Falun Gong practitioners in Finland

(Minghui.org) Covered by snow about 200 days out of every year, the Nordic country of Finland is a great place for skiing and exploring the outdoors in this serene mountainous wilderness.

Over the weekend, however, quite a few people—tourists and local residents alike—were delighted to find a place of inner peace, serenity, and harmony.

Falun Gong practitioners held an exercise demonstration at a library in Espoo, the second largest city in Finland, on February 21, 2015. The gentle movements and peaceful melody of the exercise music soon drew a crowd to the learn the exercises.

People learn the Falun Gong exercises at a library in Espoo on February 21.

Many people stopped by the information table to read about Falun Gong, ask questions, and look for nearby exercise locations. After hearing that, in China, the practice is severely persecuted, they signed a petition calling for an end to the brutality.

Passersby sign a petition calling for an end to the suppression of Falun Gong in China.