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Those Who Understand the Truth about Falun Dafa Are Protected

Feb. 24, 2015


Housing Units Protected from Fire

(Report from Shandong) In 2010, a group of engineers were working on the roof of Building 33 in a residential area in my city, when a fire suddenly broke out. It was very windy that day, and the fire spread quickly.

Within half an hour Building 33 was burnt to ashes. The fire moved on to Building 34, and Units Two, Three, Five and Six were destroyed. For some reason, however, the fire skipped Units One and Four. When the firefighters arrived, those were the only units not affected by the fire.

The onlookers were amazed. As it turned out, a Falun Dafa practitioner lived in Unit Four and he had told the others in his unit about Falun Dafa. He had also helped them withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). I explained to them, “You have been blessed because you understand the truth about Falun Dafa and have withdrawn from the CCP.” They smiled in acknowledgment. I asked them to remember that Falun Dafa is good.

Villagers Say God Must Have Protected Her

(Report from Shandong Province) On December 22, 2011, my sister-in-law and five others set out on an electric tricycle to buy goods for the Chinese New Year. It was snowing and the road was slippery. The tricycle tipped over, and all six people were thrown into a deep roadside ditch.

Five of them were unconscious and had to be taken to the hospital by ambulance. They had broken limbs and were hospitalized. Only my sister-in-law was conscious. She crawled out of the ditch without injury.

My sister-in-law wore two Falun Dafa amulets that day. She had read Falun Dafa materials and helped to distribute them. She also helped several households withdraw from the CCP. After the accident, the villagers said that God must have protected her.