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Couple Previously Tortured Again Tried in Hebei Province

Feb. 24, 2015 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) “Just because you are not being held accountable today,” said defense attorney Xie Yanyi to the courtroom, “does not mean that you will not be held fully accountable in the future.”

"The law should ensure fairness and justice," he added, "but in today's China, many illegal things are done in the name of law. When justice returns, those responsible will face punishment."

Mr. Cao Zhaohui and his wife Ms. Chen Lingmei, both practitioners of Falun Gong, were tried in Gu'an County Court on January 14, 2015. They were charged with telling the public about the persecution of Falun Gong by the communist regime.

Attorney Xie argued that because the Chinese Constitution guarantees freedom of belief, Falun Gong practitioners have the right to distribute informational materials about the practice, which does not obstruct law enforcement or cause any harm.

The couple also spoke in their own defense. They recounted the physical and mental benefits they gained from the practice.

The judge said he would announce a verdict at a later date before adjourning the trial.

The couple was arrested on August 25, 2014 at the Gu'an County Fair in Langfang City. Mr. Cao is being held at the Gu'an County Detention Center and Ms. Chen in the Langfang Detention Center.

Mr. Cao and Ms. Chen had detained and tortured for their belief multiple times since the onset of the persecution. The couple lives in Matou Town, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province.

Related articles:Practitioners Mr. Cao Zhaohui and His Wife Chen Lingmei ArrestedCao Zhaohui of Zhuozhou City Was Illegally Imprisoned at Baoding Forced Labor Camp

Perpetrators' Contact Information:

Gu'an County Court: +86-316-6190312Xiao Dongbo (肖东波), judgeLiu Jiayuan (刘佳园) and Zhang Na (张娜), assessorsLiu Ning (刘宁), prosecutor with the Procuratorate:Gu'an County Police Station: +86-316-6180617, 316-6165898, 316-6161356