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Dane County, Wisconsin Proclaims May 13 as Falun Dafa Day

May 17, 2015

(Minghui.org) County Executive Joe Parisi issued a letter proclaiming “May 13, 2015 to be Falun Dafa Day -- honoring Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance in Dane County, Wisconsin.”

He stated in the letter, “Rooted in ancient Chinese spiritual tradition and the principles of Truth, Compassion and Tolerance, Falun Gong was first taught publicly in China in 1992 by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the founder of the practice. It spread quickly through word-of-mouth as tens of millions of Chinese citizens found greater health and spiritual well-being through the practice.

“Today, Falun Gong is practiced in over 70 countries worldwide by people of all ages and backgrounds. It is always taught free of charge by volunteers and can be practiced individually or in groups.

“Falun Gong practitioners across the United States, including in Wisconsin, dedicate countless hours to their communities, organizing free classes, Chinese cultural productions of music and dance, and participating in local events.”

He also noted, “For these reasons and more, Li Hongzhi has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize five times and nominated by the European Parliament for the Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. He is also the recipient of Freedom House's International Religious Freedom Award.”