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Thoughts on Mailing Criminal Complaints Against Jiang Zemin

July 23, 2015

(Minghui.org) Many criminal complaints recently filed against Jiang Zemin by practitioners in our area have encountered serious interference. For example, many became stuck at the Beijing Postal Center (Aviation) Processing Center instead of being delivered to the Supreme Procuratorate.

The situation was especially serious for complaints mailed out June 30, July 1, 2, and 3. Only a few practitioners received the “delivered” text message. Many of our practitioners were disappointed about this and did not want to re-submit their complaints, including myself.

How could this happen, considering our steadfastness in sending forth righteous thoughts to eliminate interference with the mailing process?

Divine Doves

When sending forth righteous thoughts on the night of July 3, one practitioner saw in a dimension that a black net was covering the sky, and thus many doves could not fly through. When a dove finally made it out of the net and flew upward, its gray feathers instantly changed to bright white, and its body began emitting bright light.

He saw the exact same thing on the night of July 4.

During the day on July 5, the practitioner saw that all the gray doves were still stuck under the net. Some looked dispirited, and some hung their heads as if they were wounded. At night, the practitioner saw our esteemed Master sitting in the lotus position making hand gestures on top of the black net.

The practitioner did not understand exactly what the hand gestures meant, but vaguely understood that Master was strengthening the doves. All the doves subsequently became energetic.

When sending forth righteous thoughts on the night of July 6, the practitioner saw Master sitting above the black net doing hand gestures again. The black net vanished instantly. Most of the gray doves spread their wings and dashed through, and instantly changed into glowing, divine doves. A small number of gray doves did not make it and fell.

Then, on the morning of July 7, three practitioners received the “delivered” text message from the Supreme Procuratorate about the complaint they mailed on July 3.

That same afternoon, this fellow practitioner told me about what I mentioned above. So I decided to write an article to share with practitioners, urging that as long as we follow the cultivation path arranged by Master, there is nothing the old forces can do to stop us. While we walk on the path Master has paved for us, Master can protect us at every moment and help us remove obstacles on the path.

Old Forces, Our Understandings

I would like to discuss why there was interference. Of course, we should look inside. It is Dafa disciples' unshakable responsibility to participate in and encourage the cosmic changes to bring the evil head Jiang Zemin to justice. Therefore, we must let the personnel working in the public security organs, procuratorial organs, people's courts, and judicial organs—as well as the broad masses of people who have been poisoned by lies—understand that in following Jiang Zemin to persecute Falun Dafa for so many years, they have violated the law and committed the most heinous of crimes.

We must help them wake up, redeem themselves, and be saved as soon as possible.

Looking within, I see that in overall coordination and while assisting fellow practitioners, I lacked compassion and that sense of responsibility. I displayed worries, complaints, and laziness. I recognize these to be either human notions or interference put into my mind by the old forces. I know I should sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate them one by one.

I also noticed in some of these letters, that because of human thoughts, many fellow practitioners chose to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial, as if finishing an assignment. They did not write about the severe persecution they suffered, but instead wrote very lightly of the happenings in those days.

Some practitioners claimed, “They did arrest me and put me in detention, but they did not beat me or persecute me.” Some practitioners had others write and organize the complaints for them, and they did not bother to read it before mailing it out. They did not even bother to continue sending forth righteous thoughts about it when it was delivered.

Moreover, some practitioners still tend to observe the situation and follow others. As soon as they heard police were showing up at the post office, they decided not to mail the complaints they had already written. Or they asked other practitioners to mail it for them, or even chose to wait.

All kinds of human thoughts have been displayed during the process of mailing the complaints. Such displays have left loopholes, of which the old forces can take advantage. “Master has long paved the path for us” is not the stuff of mere lip service.

Only by genuinely acting based on the Fa can we qualify as believing in Master and believing in the Fa. I hope fellow practitioners can work together as one body and encourage the cosmic changes—the entire country will be filing charges against Jiang Zemin, and the entirety of sentient beings will be saved.

This concludes my understandings. Please kindly point out anything improper.