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Snapshot of Falun Gong Practitioners Whose Copies of Lawsuits Against Jiang Zemin Were Received by Minghui on August 3-4, 2015

Aug. 15, 2015

(Minghui.org) Many Falun Gong practitioners are now exercising their legal right to sue Jiang Zemin for launching the persecution of Falun Gong and causing them great harm and tremendous suffering over the past 16 years. The momentum of this new wave of lawsuits against the former Chinese dictator is on the rise.

The Minghui website receives copies of criminal complaints against Jiang from many practitioners daily. In this report, we present a snapshot of some of the practitioners whose copies of lawsuits were received by Minghui on August 3-4, 2015.

These lawsuits are mailed to the Supreme People's Court and Supreme People's Procuratorate, which are required to process all criminal complaints filed by citizens, as of a recent ruling by the Supreme People's Court. This report gives details on six complaints submitted.

Forced Labor, Torture, Brainwashing, and Financial Hardship

Cab driver Mr. Du Guolin was a martial arts champion who became disabled after suffering torture in a forced labor camp. He cannot see or hear well, nor is he able to move without difficulty.

Ms. Zhao Juanjuan, a retired cadre, was arrested 11 times, detained, imprisoned, and put under house arrest for more than ten years. She almost became blind due to long-term abuse. She also lost her pension for ten years, causing her great financial hardship.

Mr. Li Ming, a factory worker, was sentenced to seven years in prison, where he was frequently beaten and subjected to brainwashing. His torment caused tremendous stress and suffering to him and his family. His mother became paralyzed, and his father passed away.

Technician Mr. Zhao Xianliu was repeatedly subjected to electric shocks all over his body, placed in heavy shackles, and force-fed seven times a day. He lost his job and left his imprisonment in poor health.

Small business owner Ms. Tai Hui and her family suffered years of harassment, surveillance, and detentions by police. She is now deaf in one ear, her father passed away, and her mother is unable to care for herself.

Mr. Liu Li was an editor. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor and taken to brainwashing facilities several times. His wife was tortured in detention before she passed away in 2007.

Case 1: Mr. Du Guolin (杜国林)

Profession: Cab driverHometown: Tonghua City, Jilin ProvinceDate filed: June 17, 2015

Key FactsMr. Du was sent to a forced labor camp twice, a detention center three times, and a brainwashing center once.

Mr. Du was taken to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in September 2003. He suffered many types of torture and lost almost 45 pounds in a month. He developed many illnesses, was almost paralyzed, became deaf, and could not see clearly. Mr. Du has lost the ability to care for himself. Authorities extorted more than 26,000 yuan from his family.

Mr. Du was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2011. He was tortured, forced to work with toxic materials, and denied family visits. The labor camp restricted his toilet use, which damaged his urination function and control of his bowels. He was also forced to stand upright for entire nights.

He was again arrested in 2014 and tortured on an “iron chair.”

When Mr. Du was held in a forced labor camp in 2013, his 16-year-old daughter had no one to care for her and had to leave school. To rescue her father, she petitioned various government departments but was denied assistance.

Related Report(s)Illegal Arrest, Interrogation, and Brainwashing: Jilin Practitioner Recounts One and a Half Months of AbuseMy Father Is a Great Man, But He Is Persecuted Because of His BeliefPersecution Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Du Guolin in Tonghua, Jilin ProvinceMr. Du Guolin, Paralyzed by Torture at Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, is Still Detained

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 2: Ms. Zhao Juanjuan (赵娟娟)

Profession: Retired cadreHometown: Zhuhai City, Guangdong ProvinceDate filed: August 2015

Key FactsMs. Zhao was arrested 11 times and sentenced to prison twice, for a total of eight and a half years. She was sent to six months of forced labor, held in a mental hospital for over three months, and held in a brainwashing center for a year. Her home was ransacked seven times.

Due to long-term abuse, Ms. Zhao became nearly blind. Her pension has been suspended for nearly ten years, causing her great financial hardship.

Ms. Zhao and her daughter were sentenced to three years in prison in 2005. The prison would not admit her because she failed the physical exam, so her sentence was changed to house arrest. In 2009 she was again sentenced to five years and five months in Guangdong Women's Prison, where she was deprived of sleep and strictly monitored.

Her daughter was dismissed from her workplace; her family and other relatives were also harassed.

Related Report(s)Zhuhai City 610 Office Continues to Persecute Ms. Zhao JuanjuanMs. Zhao Juanjuan, a Retired Cadre, Arrested for the Tenth Time

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 3: Mr. Li Ming (李明)

Profession: Factory workerHometown: Gucheng County, Hubei ProvinceDate filed: August 2015

Key FactsMr. Li was sentenced to seven years in prison, where he was frequently beaten, had his arms handcuffed behind his back, held in solitary confinement, and injected with unknown drugs.

The stress from his imprisonment contributed to his mother's falling ill. Because the family could not afford treatment, she eventually became paralyzed. Mr. Li's father also developed serious illnesses. Mr. Li's wife's workplace gave her an opportunity to study abroad, but she was denied a passport.

Mr. Li and his family continued to be harassed and monitored after his release. His father's health deteriorated, and he passed away in 2014.

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 4: Mr. Zhao Xianliu (赵贤六)

Profession: TechnicianHometown: Baiyin City, Gansu ProvinceDate filed: August 2015

Key FactsMr. Zhao was detained six times, held in a forced labor camp, and dismissed from his workplace. He went to Beijing three times to appeal for the right to practice Falun Gong in 2000, and was arrested each time. He was repeatedly tortured with electric batons after his third arrest.

His torturers first used the electric batons on his legs and arms, then shocked one finger at a time, and finally his neck. He lost consciousness and fell to the ground. At night, officer Zhang made other prisoners carry him to the duty room, where two prisoners leaned him against the wall. Then an officer shocked him wildly, from the soles of his feet to his calves, thighs, and entire body, over and over again, finally shocking his lips. When Zhang became tired from inflicting the torture, he took a cigarette break and before continuing the torture.

The room was filled with the terrible sounds of electricity crackling and an acrid burning smell. Zhang plied open Mr. Zhao's eyelids and shocked his eyeballs. The detention center, fearing responsibility for his possible death, released him.

Not long after his release, Mr. Zhao was arrested again and detained for 45 days. He was shackled, force-fed, and subjected to the “death bed” torture. He was then sentenced to one year of forced labor in 2001. His workplace fired him after his release in 2002.

Mr. Zhao then moved to Shanghai. Police arrested him in October 2012 and confiscated his computer equipment, cell phone, and cash. He was brutally force-fed six to seven times a day and again tortured on the “death bed.” After one month, he was released in critical condition. He lost his executive position at a private company.

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 5: Ms. Tai Hui (邰惠)

Profession: Store ownerHometown: Mengla County, Yunnan ProvinceDate filed: August 2015

Key FactsMs. Tai was detained for a month in February 2006, soon after she began to practice Falun Gong.

She was arrested again in May 2009, and her store was shut down by the authorities, which caused her great financial hardship. She was sentenced to four years in prison after two months in detention, subjected to torture, brainwashing, and slave labor, and injected with drugs. Ms. Tai fell ill before her release in 2013, and left the prison deaf in one ear.

Ms. Tai's parents were under residential surveillance, her mother was demoted at work, and her wages of over 2,000 yuan was withheld. Due to the long-term stress from police intimidation, her father passed away while Ms. Tai was in prison, and she was not allowed to see him before he died. Her mother has lost the ability to care for herself.

Ms. Tai's elder sister Tai Yan was held in a forced labor camp from March 2006 to September 2007. She resumed her work but was demoted to a temporary worker and paid a little over 300 yuan a month. Her withheld wages, 1,000 yuan short, were returned to her a year later, on the condition that she stops practicing Falun Gong.

Ms. Tai's aunt was sentenced to two years of forced labor in 2006, during which her pension was withheld. She has still not received her full pension.

Current CircumstancesMs. Tai and her family are under surveillance and harassment, and their phones are monitored by police.

Related Report(s)Ms. Tai Hui from Yunnan Province Secretly Sentenced to Four-year TermMany Practitioners Arrested in Mengla County

Details of complaint in Chinese language

Case 6: Mr. Liu Li (刘力)

Profession: EditorHometown: Langfang City, Hebei ProvinceDate filed: June 12, 2015

Key FactsMr. Li was sent to one year of forced labor in 2000, after four months' detention. He was forced to do slave labor for 20 hours a day, and was covered with lice due to the poor sanitary conditions in the labor camp. His workplace revoked his administrative privileges, and his wage was reduced by two grades.

He was taken to brainwashing sessions three times.

Mr. Li's wife Ms. Wang was detained, tortured, and subjected to brainwashing. Authorities extorted 5,000 yuan from her and reduced her position by two grades. Due to the endless harassment and persecution, she fell ill and passed away in 2007.

Details of complaint in Chinese language


In 1999, Jiang Zemin, as head of the Chinese Communist Party, overrode other Politburo standing committee members and launched the violent suppression of Falun Gong.

The persecution has led to the deaths of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners over the past 16 years. More have been tortured for their belief and even killed for their organs. Jiang Zemin is directly responsible for the inception and continuation of the brutal persecution.

Under his personal direction, the Chinese Communist Party established an extralegal security organ, the “610 Office,” on June 10, 1999. The organization overrides police forces and the judicial system in carrying out Jiang's directive regarding Falun Gong: to ruin their reputations, cut off their financial resources, and destroy them physically.

Chinese law now allows for citizens to be plaintiffs in criminal cases, and many practitioners are exercising that right to file criminal complaints against the former dictator.