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Husband Changes after Wife Files a Criminal Complaint against Jiang Zemin

Jan. 1, 2016 |   By a practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a Falun Gong practitioner who was illegally arrested in 2001 and imprisoned for three years. My husband and son were under great pressure. Prior to that, I was fired from my job, and our family’s income was reduced by half. My husband blamed me and sometimes verbally abused me.

After my release, I started to make Falun Gong truth clarification flyers and materials. However, I had to produce them while he was at work and clean up before he came home. He then retired, and I could no longer avoid him. He was upset and often argued with me. Once he pointed his finger at my face and shouted, “I just want an answer. Will you stop doing this?”

While sending righteous thoughts, I calmly said,“I can't stop. I am dong it to save people.” He turned away and left.

Filing a Criminal Complaint against Jiang Zemin

Using my real name, I filed a legal complaint against Jiang Zemin in July 2015 and received the postal receipt that it had been delivered. I told my husband about the new central government policy that guarantees the processing of all criminal and civil complaints. I showed him my complaint documents and told him that criminal complaints were now being filed by Falun Gong practitioners nationwide. Each week I updated him on the number of complaints filed.

Many practitioners came to our home and asked me to help them complete their complaint documents. They shared how they have benefited physically and mentally from Falun Gong and how they were persecuted. Their experiences touched my husband's heart.

Waking Up to the Truth

One practitioner told us how she had been arrested for exposing the persecution, and how the police had shackled her hands and feet with heavy chains and hit her face so hard that her blood splattered all over the wall. She could not help but cry as she recalled the abuse. My husband was shocked.

He loudly condemned Jiang Zemin for persecuting Falun Gong and good people. He said with indignation that Jiang should be executed! His attitude was now different. When I had previously described the police abuses, he said, “How could the people's police possibly do that kind of thing?”

His Outlook Has Changed

As the number of lawsuits filed against Jiang increased, his attitude towards Falun Gong also changed. He no longer opposed me when I made Falun Gong informational materials. Instead, he asked me to be careful. He also showed admiration for Falun Gong. When we made Falun Gong calendars, he helped us.

When he was about to become a Chinese Communist Party member in 2001, I was sentenced to prison. My husband did not hide this from his supervisor or colleagues. Everyone knew that his wife was imprisoned for practicing Falun Gong. This made him depressed at that time.

After he retired, his former employer asked him to participate in theatrical performances since he had talent. At a recent performance, the workplace's Party secretary asked him if his wife still practiced Falun Gong.

“Yes! She is very healthy,” he said in front of everyone. “In fact, she has filed a complaint against Jiang Zemin. Nearly 200,000 Falun Gong practitioners have sued Jiang, and more than 700,000 people around the world have reported his crimes. This shows that persecuting Falun Gong is unjust.” The Party secretary was surprised and said, “Your outlook has also changed.”

When my husband returned home and told me about what he said, I praised him. From then on, every time he went back to rehearsal, he told his former colleagues about the nationwide complaints. He also commented, “The Party wanted to make Falun Gong practitioners give up their faith, but they will never succeed.”

I did not expect that the complaints against Jiang Zemin would have such a positive effect on my husband. He has positioned himself and can expect a bright future. Filing complaints is also a good opportunity to eliminate the evil in other dimensions and save people. Doing so is a complete negation of the old force's arrangements.