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Two Shandong Women Remain Detained for Distributing Information about Falun Gong

Oct. 16, 2016 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) Three Yinan County residents were arrested on October 8 for distributing information about Falun Gong, a spiritual discipline being persecuted by the Chinese communist regime.

Two of them had their blood forcibly drawn and homes ransacked. Both remain detained at the time of writing.

Ms. Meng Xianglan, Ms. Meng Xiangling, and Ms. Liu Xin were driving around and passing out Falun Gong materials in neighboring Mengyin County when they were spotted by plainclothes officers.

The police surrounded the three women and searched their car. A two-year-old boy in Ms. Liu’s care was so frightened that he couldn’t stop crying.

Ms. Meng Xianglan was slammed to the ground as she struggled to get away.

The police interrogated the three women separately and discovered that both Ms. Meng Xianglan and Ms. Meng Xiangling were once detained in labor camps for practicing Falun Gong. They moved quickly to ransack the two women’s homes and confiscated their valuables totaling more than 30,000 yuan. The confiscated items include computers, printers, cell phones, Falun Gong books and materials, as well as other personal belongings.

The police next forcibly drew their blood before transferring them to an unknown location.

Ms. Liu was released with the boy late that night.