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Judge in Liaoning Province Orders Lawyer Removed in Falun Gong Trial

Oct. 16, 2016 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Presiding judge Guan Shusen ordered Ms. Dong Guixia's lawyer to be escorted from the courtroom during a trial in the Suizhong County Court. The judge made the decision after the lawyer repeatedly stated that practicing Falun Gong is legal.

The lawyer argued that no Chinese law prohibits the practice of Falun Gong and that the Chinese Constitution protects freedom of belief.

Tried for Practicing Falun Gong

The court hearing for Ms. Dong Guixia and Ms. Li Yujie was held in Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province, on the afternoon of September 18, 2016.

The two practitioners were accused of distributing Falun Gong calendars in the Xiaozhuangzi Bath Center. A defense lawyer from Beijing pleaded innocent on behalf of his client Ms. Dong.

Officer Liu Huanyu of the Domestic Security Division stood at the courtroom door to stop members of the public from attending the trial. Li Huailin, head of the local 610 Office since 2008, and Wang Haijun, the Deputy Party Secretary of the Suizhong County Political and Legal Affairs Committee attended the hearing.

Inadmissible Evidence

The prosecutor accused Ms. Dong of being a fugitive because she was sentenced to seven years in prison in December 2003, but the sentence was not carried out.

The lawyer rebutted the accusation: Ms. Dong operated a tea shop and clothing store between 2004 and 2009 and was never in hiding. Deputy Party Secretary Wang Haijun had visited her at home in two consecutive years. Additionally, she was taken to the Fushun Brainwashing Center in 2007.

The lawyer also argued that a surveillance video from the bath center was not admissible evidence, because it was presented only at the trial and not made available for his review.

Judge Guan Shusen warned the lawyer twice against stating that practicing Falun Gong is legal. When the lawyer made the statement a third time, the judge ordered the court police to escort the lawyer out of the courtroom.

Responsible parties:Guan Shusen (关树森), presiding judge and president, Criminal Court, Suizhong Court; has sentenced more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners: +86-429-6779935 (o), +86-18042928850 (c)Cao Haiying (曹海英), head of Suizhong Court: +86-429-6779999 (o), +86-13898991999 (c)Li Huailin (李怀林), deputy Party secretary, Suizhong County Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-429-6131710(o), +86-13842936888Wang Haijun (王海军), deputy Party secretary, Suizhong County Political and Legal Affairs Committee: +86-429-6130656(o), +86-15566722299(c), +86-429-651699(h)