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Helping Fellow Practitioners to Step Forward

Oct. 21, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) Many practitioners in our area have failed to step forward to tell people the facts about Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) and how the Chinese Communist Party is persecuting it. I have often contemplated helping more practitioners to become diligent in saving others. After I thought about this, Master helped me to do so. I was part of a wave. With the help and encouragement offered by experienced practitioners, many fellow practitioners eventually stepped forward to save more people.

Master said,

“For this reason, all Dafa disciples, students both new and veteran, should get to work and begin comprehensively clarifying the truth. This is especially so for the Dafa disciples in mainland China: each must come out and clarify the truth, bringing it to every field and valley, mountain and hill, not omitting a single area where there are people.” (“Let Go of Human Attachments and Save the World’s People” from The Essentials of Diligent Progress Vol. III)

Arranging Experience Sharing Meetings

Another practitioner and I spoke to a local coordinator about a proposal that allowed diligent practitioners to help those who would like to step forward. The local coordinator helped arrange for an experience sharing meeting for each area in the city. Later, such meetings were held in suburban areas, which encouraged many practitioners to step forward.

I noticed that more practitioners attended these meetings than were expected. Because we did not have enough seats, practitioners stood on the sides and shared with one another. After each meeting, many practitioners realized the importance of saving people and the consequences of not accomplishing this mission. Practitioners in their respective area soon focused on helping fellow practitioners who were having difficulty stepping out. Though some difficult interference occurred at times, practitioners were able to look within, cooperate well, and everything went smoothly.

One day I visited a rural area to share my experiences. The coordinator there said, “Previously, I only focused on how to do well. When some practitioners asked me for help, I ignored them, possibly due to interference. I even thought that it was not my fault that other practitioners didn’t do well. Wasn't that selfish? Now I know what to do.”

During our meetings, I noticed that many practitioners did Dafa work well every day without being interfered with. Also, some practitioners who had not stepped forward yet, wanted to try. In some areas, only a few practitioners had stepped forward, and they needed experienced practitioners from other areas to help. Also, other practitioners who were doing well on their own did not want to help others because they didn’t want to be bothered.

One practitioner said, “I always had a strong desire to tell people the facts face to face. We have only two Fa-study groups, and many of us participate every day, but none of us has stepped forward to clarify the facts. I thought it would be fantastic if a practitioner could offer a demonstration. I asked an experienced practitioner to help me just once, but she said that I should study the Fa at home. I was so sad that I cried. I could not find a practitioner who wanted to help.”

“I have failed to step forward. I would really like to go home with Master,” one practitioner said during a meeting. “Others and I feel bitter at heart. In each area, there are practitioners failing to step forward, but they still want to tell people the truth. We really hope that experienced practitioners can help us.”

At the end of another sharing, when I was about to leave, a practitioner held onto me and couldn’t speak for a long time. Eventually, she said, “Please help me. I would like to learn from your experience. I would like to save people.”

I was moved by her words and left her my telephone number. Through each sharing, I noticed that many of them really wanted to save people, but they needed experienced practitioners to guide them.

Cultivating While Talking to People Face to Face

Through sharing and looking within, practitioners were changing and improving. Those who did well realized that it was their mission and responsibility to help those who had failed to do well. They helped with individual demonstrations and group demonstrations.

We planned to go to a few sites to clarify the facts and set up a time for a demonstration. On the first day, the coordinator gathered inexperienced practitioners together at a certain location. The experienced ones walked to a market and talked to people, while the inexperienced practitioners followed.

When these practitioners noticed that the lead group clarified the facts to everyone they met without making small talk, the inexperienced practitioners started to follow suit. One inexperienced practitioner afterwards said, “Today’s energy field helped me to be free of fear. It seemed not as difficult as I had expected. In the future, I want to go out every day and hope you can offer more help.”

Some practitioners who previously had not talked to people during the demonstration later told many people the facts about Falun Dafa. An experienced practitioner commented, “Today, it was not I who offered help, rather, it was the positive energy field that gave me more energy. Every practitioner in this energy field was so keen on saving people.”

Clarifying the facts to people is also a cultivation process. Experienced practitioners can only do well when they cultivate compassion and selflessness. Some practitioners are older, some spoke slowly, some walked slowly, and others failed to come to the point, while some struggled with fear. But all practitioners were able to cultivate well through more Fa-study, more righteous thoughts, talking to more people, and looking within often. They did their best to get rid of various desires and attachments in order to accomplish their mission.

They didn’t pay attention to formality, but rather thoroughly told people the facts. No matter what kind of weather they encountered, nothing stopped them from doing Dafa work daily. When they left their homes, they sent forth righteous thoughts, refused to chitchat, nor did they spend money unnecessarily. They did their work whole-heartedly and thus created a righteous energy field.

They also studied the Fa and sent forth righteous thoughts intensively. They did the latter even when they did their daily housework. They knew if they didn’t study the Fa well and send forth righteous thoughts, they would fail to save people.

The number of people who withdrew from the Communist Party and its affiliated organizations increased every day. At the same time, practitioners looked within, cultivated themselves and were diligent in doing the three things. Practitioners did not gossip about others because each one paid attention to their speech and tried to get rid of attachments. The practitioners regained the pure hearts and enthusiasm they had when they first obtained the Fa. When they went out and told people the facts, they understood the difference between a god and a human.

Master said,

“The key is that Dafa disciples should do well the things you should do. But you are not even cultivating diligently, not cultivating seriously, or not really cultivating, and in the Dafa projects for saving people your human notions bring up your attachments, and you always feel resentful. What is your feeling of unfairness about?! Don’t you know what you are here to do?! Don’t you know how great your responsibility is?! Don’t you know there are countless beings waiting for you to save them? That is your responsibility! That is your promise! When you all do things together to save sentient beings, it is an opportunity and it is to create the conditions to save beings, yet you do not utilize it well. Don’t you know how serious a crime you will commit if you do not do the things Dafa disciples must do well?!” (“Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference”)

Saving More People Quickly

Fa-rectification is approaching its end, and Master is concerned about those practitioners who have failed to step forward. As long as diligent practitioners are willing to help those who have fallen behind, and as long as the latter are willing to come forward and are determined to save people, Dafa will endow us with wisdom and the necessary abilities, and Master will be able to arrange everything so that all practitioners can improve in their cultivation.

Many have stepped forward with help from other practitioners. Dafa practitioners can be found on the streets, in residential areas, in shopping centers and parks, and more and more people understand what the practitioners are trying to convey. One person said, “Up to now, nine practitioners have spoken to me about it. I really appreciate the efforts you folks have made. Initially, I didn’t want to withdraw from the Communist Party. As I heard more, I thought I better quit. Now I feel it is really important to quit.”

Another person said, “You practitioners are everywhere. I have heard about withdrawing from the Communist Party numerous times. Today I will quit.”

Master said,

“Anyway, I just want to tell you that, as Dafa disciples, you should know how enormous your responsibility is, and this is not a child’s game. This undertaking has already come to the last stage, and I am extremely worried, yet you still do not treat it seriously. In the end, however, it will be too late even if you cry.” (“Fa Teaching at the 2016 New York Fa Conference”)

I hope that practitioners in China don’t miss this opportunity they have been waiting for ages. Master is waiting for us. On this crucial issue, we cannot let Master down! We just cannot leave any practitioner behind. We must forge a unity to save people and to clarify the facts about Dafa.

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