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Sharing after Reading “Suggestions for Truth-Clarification Banners Displayed Overseas”

Oct. 26, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) During the last decade, many Chinese have traveled abroad, including government officials at all different levels and many different groups of people. Especially during recent years, tourists travel abroad at their own expense.

When they returned to China, these people commented that they noticed that Falun Dafa was not restricted in foreign countries, that they were allowed to protest. Some said that they saw banners that said “Down with the Chinese Communist Party.”

Before their tour groups left China, their travel agents told them not to get near the Falun Dafa practitioners or take their informational literature. Most of the tourists had also been poisoned by the propaganda about Falun Dafa, so many never got near practitioners, who informed people about the persecution of Dafa, and just looked on from a distance.

I feel the same about the article “Suggestions for Truth-Clarification Banners Displayed Overseas.” Practitioners spend so much time and energy at so many places and participate in so many parades, isn’t it a pity that most tourists are not able to get informed and learn the truth about Dafa?