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What I Did Upon Discovering My Son’s Extramarital Affair

Dec. 13, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My family owns an apartment unit that has been vacant for some time. I was surprised to see the light on and my son inside while passing by it one night.

I gently knocked on the door and said, “Son, it’s mom. Open the door.”

It took him quite a while to get the door. He looked very nervous and embarrassed. I then noticed the bedroom door tightly shut.

My son dragged me to the balcony and admitted that he was having an extramarital affair.

I was shocked, but then remembered that I am a Falun Dafa practitioner. My son also practiced Falun Dafa when he was a young child, and I knew that only Dafa could save him.

I reminded him, “Son, you’re already a married man with a child. You once learned Dafa when you were young. You still remember the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, right? Master Li teaches us to be considerate of others. Moreover, you are a well-educated person and you should know right from wrong. Not only have you betrayed your wife, but you’re also cheating the woman that you’re dating.”

I continued, “You know that marriage means commitment and responsibility. If you don’t stop dating that woman, you’ll only break up your own family. I don’t think you want to see your child with divorced parents. You won't be happy even if you get divorced and marry this woman. Of course, I should also take responsibility for not warning you enough of the danger of extramarital affairs.”

My son said, “Mom, I know I’m wrong. I’ve already told her that we need to stop seeing each other, but she just kept crying. Mom, please help me.”

I asked him to invite the woman to come out and have an open conversation with me.

She was an attractive young woman working in a hospital. I felt very bad and sorry that she fell for my son, and that he allowed the relationship to develop.

I comforted her, “Please don’t feel nervous. I practice Falun Dafa, and I believe our meeting today is meant to be. Let me apologize to you on behalf of my son. He deceived you.”

She replied, “You look so kind. I have two neighbors who also practice Falun Dafa. They’re very nice people.”

I commended her for having a positive understanding of Falun Dafa and said I felt she is a very kind person too.

I continued, “No matter how much you and my son believe that you are in love, you cannot continue this relationship because he’s a married man. I’m sure that you wouldn’t want a partner and husband who cheats on his wife.”

I reminded her that my son promised to stay with his wife till death do them part, and that it was time for him to take action to correct his mistake.

I urged her to stop her relationship with my son, so that she could move on to find someone that is responsible and has good morals.

As a Falun Dafa practitioner, I naturally turned the topic to the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution of the practice. I explained to her that the persecution lacks legal basis, and that many people are quitting the CCP and its affiliated organizations to secure a bright future for themselves.

She agreed to quit the CCP right away and promised to help her parents quit, too.

I gave her a charm amulet bearing a Falun Dafa message to take home. She said, “I was wrong. I disrupted your peaceful life.” She cried afterwards, and so did my son.

She was such a sweet girl. My son hurt her, yet she held no grudges against him. I held her in my arms and said, “Maybe we were family members in previous lives, so we got to see each other in this life time. Please keep in mind that Falun Dafa is good.” She said yes and left.

I couldn’t help but thank Master Li for saving my son from his affair.