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Reciting the Fa Changed My Stubborn Husband

Dec. 14, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am a 61-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner who began to practice Dafa 18 years ago. For more than 12 years, I have not done the three things well, especially when it comes to talking to people face to face about the persecution.

I was afraid to openly clarify the facts about this cultivation practice, because I did not want my husband to get upset. He was against my talking to people about Dafa.

I once ran into one of his students in the winter of 2011 and talked to him about the persecution. The student then called my husband and told him about our conversation.

My husband immediately left his workplace and called me to return home. Right after I entered the house, he threatened that he will not tolerate me going out to clarify the facts about Falun Dafa any more.

Although my husband was upset with me and did not support what I was doing, I still did not look within to find my shortcomings, especially since I felt I was doing the most righteous thing. I also did not try to understand the matter from his perspective.

I have tried to make a breakthrough regarding how to openly clarify the facts to people for the past few years, but have only made little progress.

I have been followed several times by police officers since April 2016 when putting up truth-clarification stickers. I knew it was time to change my cultivation environment and I wished that my husband could help me.

Husband Changes after Reciting the Fa

To improve my cultivation environment, I first sent forth righteous thoughts intensively for some time and asked for Teacher's help. I then suggested to my husband, “If you can recite 'On Dafa' in two weeks, I will listen to everything you say regarding our family issues.” He immediately agreed.

After my husband was able to recite “On Dafa,” I said, “You should continue to recite it every morning, so you won't forget. Otherwise, it would be such a waste to put in so much effort in memorizing.” He agreed to do so.

About a month later, I said to my husband,“For the past few years, I have been clarifying the facts to save sentient beings. I have also had to be careful around you since you don't want me to talk to people about Dafa. It has been very hard and I feel a lot of pressure! It'd be great if you could support me.”

“How can I help you?” he replied. I answered, “You can drive me to places where I need to put up truth-clarification posters and get currency bills for me, so I can print Dafa messages on them.”

He then drove me to places where there were a lot of people. Along the way to each place, I would put up truth-clarification posters. It has had a positive effect as many people are able to see them.

Reciting the Fa has helped eliminate many bad substances in my husband. He has also become more supportive and has righteous thoughts about Dafa.

Putting Up Posters at the Seaside

My husband and I went to stay at our other house by the seaside in the summer. Thousands of people come here every year, sometimes as many as 60,000.

We put up Dafa posters on the electric poles along the roads to the village. From June to mid-October, my husband and I put up more than 1,500 posters.

There were many tourists during the October 1st National Day holiday, but we had run out of Dafa posters. In addition, many of the posters we had put up were taken down. In order to get more, we had to travel more than 60 miles to another practitioner's home.

As soon as I mentioned to my husband that we needed more posters, he decided to make the trip to the practitioner’s house. We then went out to put up posters two nights in a row, covering around 60 roads.

My husband continues to recite “On Dafa” everyday and follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.

Although he is not yet a practitioner, he has set a solid foundation for obtaining the Fa in the future.

I have completely changed my ways of saving sentient beings after this experience. I am now more efficient and the number of things that I have managed to do in one year is more than what I had done in the past few years combined.

I feel confident that I can catch up to the diligent practitioners, closely follow the Fa-rectification process and do the three things well!