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Human Rights Day: Worldwide Call to End the 17-Year-Long Persecution of Falun Gong

Dec. 14, 2016 |   By Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, and Finland

(Minghui.org) A variety of events were held around the world to call attention to the persecution of Falun Gong on International Human Rights Day, December 10. The following detail a few such events that were held in Sweden, Germany, Malaysia, and Finland.

Residents in Gothenburg, Sweden Show Support for Falun Gong

Falun Gong practitioners in Sweden gathered at Kungsportsplatsen in Gothenburg to observe Human Rights Day and expose the persecution of Falun Gong in China, particularly the unimaginable crime of forced organ harvesting.

They also asked people to sign a petition calling for the prosecution of Jiang Zemin, the former Chinese dictator who launched the persecution 17 years ago. So far, over two million people have signed similar petitions.

Practitioners in Gothenburg, Sweden raise awareness of the persecution.

Passersby talk to practitioners about the persecution.

People sign the petition to help end the persecution.

A retired dentist stood in front of a poster with her grandchildren and explained to them what is happening in China. She pointed at the illustration of the five Falun Gong exercises and told a practitioner, “This is what people need most now--peace of mind.”

Petition Drive in Freiburg, Germany

Falun Gong practitioners from Germany and Switzerland gathered in Freiburg on December 10 to raise awareness about the persecution and collect signatures.

Tourists and residents sign petition to end organ harvesting.

Human Rights Day this year fell on a Saturday and many people were out shopping for Christmas presents. In the morning, the practitioners set up an information booth near the entrance of the Christmas Market. At night, the practitioners held a candlelight vigil in memory of the practitioners who lost their lives in the persecution.

Candlelight vigil for those who were killed in the persecution.

A German man signs the petition to end the persecution.

A young German woman stopped to sign the petition and said, “Everyone is shopping for Christmas and enjoying the holidays. The reason why Human Rights Day falls on this day of the year is to remind people that while they are enjoying the holidays, they should also pay attention to the less fortunate and to protecting their rights. Protecting human rights is protecting ourselves.”

A Chinese couple said that they heard about the persecution and organ harvesting from the Internet. The woman said that she was glad to have signed the petition on Human Rights Day. Her husband agreed, “The world should support your efforts in ending the persecution. There isn't any human rights violation more serious than harvesting organs from prisoners of conscience.”

Chinese couple signs the petition.

Practitioners Condemn the Persecution Outside the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia

Falun Gong practitioners held a rally outside the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia on Human Rights Day. The practitioners hoped to raise public awareness of the persecution and help bring it to an end.

Falun Gong practitioners rally near the Chinese Embassy in Malaysia and condemn the persecution in China.

Finland: Protest in Front of Chinese Embassy

Practitioners in Finland held a peaceful protest in front of the Chinese Embassy the day before Human Rights Day. They demanded the CCP immediately stop harvesting organs from practitioners incarcerated for their faith and to bring former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin to justice.

Practitioners protest in front of the Chinese Embassy in Helsinki, Finland.

The next day, the practitioners held a candlelight vigil at Kamppi Square to commemorate the practitioners who died in the persecution. In the subzero temperatures, passersby still stopped to read the posters and sign a petition.

Candlelight vigil at Kamppi Square to commemorate the practitioners who died in the persecution.

Passersby sign petition supporting Falun Gong.

Marku, a musician from Holland and his friend signed the practitioners' petition. Marku said that he had been to China, but had no idea of what was going on behind the dazzling scenes. “I can't believe that something as unacceptable as organ harvesting is happening there,” he said.

Related articles in Chinese:

http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2016/12/13/人权日-瑞典歌德堡民众声援法轮功-338896.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2016/12/13/国际人权日-马来西亚法轮功谴责中共迫害 (图)-338860.htmlhttp://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2016/12/12/国际人权日-芬兰法轮功学员中使馆前抗议迫害(图)-338836.html