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Do Not Give Up on Any Sentient Being

Dec. 15, 2016 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in mainland China

(Minghui.org) I do odd jobs for a living, which allows me to talk to many people about Falun Gong and the persecution. A young driver, who works for the same company, liked to team up with me, but he was not interested in learning anything about Falun Gong.

Although teaming up with him generated less income for me because we needed to split the earnings, I went along with it because I wanted to help him understand the facts about Falun Gong. My perseverance paid off, and he finally listened to what I had to say.

To avoid being persecuted, I left home and moved to another city. I was offered a job by a construction company delivering heavy materials for home improvement projects to customers. Following the teachings of Falun Gong, I worked very hard, and was always honest.

Carrying heavy loads everyday is physically exhausting, but I did everything assigned to me extremely well. Soon word of mouth led to a solid customer base with many returning customers.

Xiao Yang, another driver, had to deliver supplies to customers at various locations in the city. Sometimes he only had enough time to reach one customer a day. Since our earnings were job based, he asked me to team up with him so that he could finish more jobs. Knowing that I would make less money, I still decided to cooperate with him each time he called since telling more people about Falun Gong is my primary goal.

The first time I told him about Falun Gong, however, he yelled at me to stop. Instead of giving up on him, I continued working with him. When I worked with him on an assignment, I talked again about Falun Gong. He became irritated and began to yell, but I told him that I did not care if he yelled and cursed at me, I was doing him a favor. He warned me that he was a very stubborn person.

Perseverance Brings Results

As we worked on another assignment, I found out that he liked music, so I gave him Shen Yun DVDs and introduced classical Chinese dance to him. He returned the DVDs to me and said that he would not watch them.

Several months later, I again introduced Shen Yun to him. This time he promised that he would take the DVDs home and watch them.

During our association, he came to realize that I had read many books, and knew a lot about Chinese culture. He was impressed to know that a well-educated person like me was doing hard labor jobs like him.

This changed his attitude towards me. He asked me why I knew so much, and I explained that it was Falun Gong that had given me the wisdom. I downloaded articles from Falun Gong websites and gained a lot of knowledge that way.

After that, when we met his friends, he told them that I was a well-educated person, and was quite knowledgeable about Chinese culture.

When I brought up Falun Gong to him again, he smiled and asked why I always wanted to talk about Falun Gong. I said because Falun Gong was good for him. He was willing to listen to me now and also wanted me to continue teaming up with him in the future.

This experience clearly told me that we must not give up on anybody. We do not want anyone to lose the opportunity to hear the facts about Falun Gong.