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Brother of Arrested Retired Accountant Asks Authorities to Stop the Persecution

Dec. 15, 2016 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Beijing, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Su Wei, 60, was tried on December 5, 2016 by the Fengtai District Court. In a courageous act, her older brother has petitioned the Beijing judicial system to stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

Deceit and Violent Arrest

On July 21, 2016, eight plainclothes officers from Beijing's Fengtai District Police Department arrived at Ms. Su Wei's brother's home, where Ms. Su was staying, at Zhengxinyuan Residence Court. They turned off the power switch outside the apartment. When Ms. Su's sister-in-law opened the door to check the power issue, they rushed into the apartment and arrested Ms. Su.

Ms. Su's older brother tried to stop the police and was pushed to the ground, which caused him to have an epileptic seizure.

The officers ransacked the place and confiscated cell phones, a printer, a computer, and three Falun Gong books. Ms. Su Wei was taken to the Fengtai Detention Center. The Beijing No. 1 Procuratorate approved the arrest on August 26.

Ms. Su's brother sent a letter to the Beijing Public Security Department, the Procuratorate, and the court, in which he asked that they stop persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

Ms. Su Wei's older brother has petitioned the authorities to stop the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

Incarcerated at Forced Labor Camps Three Times

Ms. Su, a retired accountant from the Beijing Guanghua Lumber Factory, started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. After Jiang Zemin launched the suppression of Falun Gong in 1999, she experienced severe persecution, including arrest, imprisonment, and torture at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.

Ms. Su was held in a brainwashing center for one month in 2001.

She was arrested in a market on September 11, 2003 and sentenced to two years of forced labor. She was incarcerated in the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

Five months after her release, on February 24, 2006, Ms. Su was again arrested. She was given two-and-a-half years of forced labor for possessing Falun Gong books. She was incarcerated in the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp and later transferred to the notorious Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The authorities extended her term for another six months because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. She was released in February 2009.

Only seven months after her release, Sue Wei was arrested on September 11, 2009, and given two-and-a-half years of forced labor. She was incarcerated in the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

During her incarceration in the labor camps, Ms. Su was mistreated and tortured. The guards cuffed each of her hands to a bed, then pushed the beds apart to stretch her to the extreme.

They also tied her legs to one side of a bunk bed and both hands to the other side of the horizontal bar for several days. She was tortured this way for a few days, during which time she was not allowed to use the restroom, nor given anything to eat.

She was also tied up with ropes, shocked with electric batons, deprived of sleep, and forced to stand for long periods of time.

Parties involved in the persecution of Ms. Su:Zhang Yu, preliminary examination officer, Fengtai District Police Department: +86-10-83680332Bian Aihua, director, Fengtai District 610 Office: +86-10-83656033Beijing No. 1 Procuratorate: +86-10-59909107

Earlier reports:Four Beijing Practitioners Illegally DetainedSu Wei and Qing Xiuying of Beijing Sent to Forced Labor CampMs. Su Wei Arrested Again After Enduring Torture at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp