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Disintegrate the Evil in Jails

Dec. 15, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Henan Province, China

(Minghui.org) I'm deeply saddened to read the report on the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in Zhengzhou Prison in recent years. I was imprisoned in Zhengzhou Prison for many years. I know that the situation in the prison has now worsened. How can this be happening even as the Fa-rectification approaches its end? Some fellow practitioners think the abuses there worsened after a jailer called Shang Hongzhang was appointed warden of the Ninth Unit. How can one persecutor's wicked behavior make the situation worse for dozens of Falun Dafa practitioners? It's Falun Dafa practitioners' responsibility to disintegrate the evil. Failing to shoulder this responsibility is an indicator of omissions in our cultivation. We must have failed to follow Master's instructions.

Master told us as early as 2006,

“As a result of the righteous thoughts that Dafa disciples have put into validating the Fa and saving the world’s people, the complete dissolution of the evil beings and elements that play a negative role and persecute Dafa disciples is taking place. Right now, there are only a small number of evil, rotten demons, and they are being concentrated by the old forces in labor camps, jails, and other dark dens that are taking part in persecuting Dafa disciples. This has caused the evil’s persecution to remain severe in certain, limited areas. In order to completely eliminate the persecution of Dafa disciples by the dark minions, rotten demons, and old forces, all Dafa disciples around the world—particularly the Dafa disciples in each region of mainland China—are to concertedly send righteous thoughts toward those evil places, thoroughly dissolving all evil beings and elements that persecute Dafa disciples, clearing away the evil circumstances under which Dafa disciples are persecuted in mainland China, and saving the world’s people, [thereby] fulfilling the duties of a Dafa disciple and advancing toward godhood.” (“Thoroughly Dissolve the Evil” from The Essentials of Diligent Progress Vol. III)

It has been 10 years since Master first published this scripture. We have to ask ourselves if we have truly paid attention to what he directed us to do. Some fellow practitioners even felt helpless when their family members were imprisoned for practicing Falun Dafa. Part of the reason was because they doubted the power of their righteous thoughts, but more often it was because they had slacked off. They were troubled by mundane things so much that they couldn't keep up with sending forth righteous thoughts four times a day. I have to admit I haven't done well myself. I used to send forth righteous thoughts outside Zhengzhou Prison with fellow practitioners years ago, but I stopped doing it in recent years. Even though I have personally experienced hardships in the prison and know how hard the situation is for the imprisoned practitioners, I only targeted the prison occasionally when sending forth righteous thoughts.

I think disintegrating the evil in prisons requires the concerted effort of all practitioners. On one hand, we have to intensively send forth righteous thoughts targeting the prisons. On the other hand, we should work with the families of imprisoned practitioners to hire attorneys and visit our fellow practitioners in prisons and report any abuses to the prison authorities. If the prison authorities shield abusive jailers, we can file reports to prison inspection officers, the procuratorate, and the provincial prison administration. Such actions have achieved good results in the past.

Jailers usually fear visits from attorneys and investigators. An imprisoned fellow practitioner dared not tell his attorney about the abuses he had suffered, because the jailer who had abused him was standing next to him during the attorney's visit. His righteous thoughts overcame his fear during his attorney's second visit. He openly exposed the jailer's persecution. The jailer has been very afraid since then and never dared to abuse the practitioner again. His family filed a report with the local and provincial procuratorate. Exposing the abuses helped a lot.

Even though the evil persecution appears rampant, it will be disintegrated quickly when all of us can face it with righteous thoughts. It's incumbent upon Falun Dafa practitioners to eliminate the evil and offer salvation to sentient beings. Let's truly stay diligent and completely eliminate the remaining evil factors in prisons.