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Persevere to Fulfill Our Duty

Dec. 16, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa Practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I reluctantly sat down next to my printer one day thinking I had to print out the next batch of truth clarification materials. I wasn't in the mood to work, so I looked inside instead, “Why am I feeling somewhat reluctant? Am I trying to quit?” There has been many times that I have thought about passing on my responsibilities to someone else.

Looking at my fellow practitioners, I was speechless. Some of them are still imprisoned. Some have gotten out of touch with practitioners after they were released. Others have slacked off in cultivation, or have gotten too old to handle the work. What can I do? I have no choice but to continue. I know from the bottom of my heart that I can't quit, and I have to persevere. Tears began to pour down.

I asked myself, “Why am I crying? Do I think it's unfair? Do I think that I have worked too hard?” The answer was yes to some extent. Most of all, I felt tired, but my heart told me that I should follow Master's requirements and not slack off. It means that I should strive forward diligently.

More tears came when I thought about my duty. Yes, I'm a Falun Dafa disciple. I should follow Master's requirements and do the three things well. There is no excuse.

I pressed my hands together and asked Master to bless me with strong faith and a tenaciousness for cultivation, and allow me to shoulder my duty with great courage.

It's no easy task to persistently do the three things in loneliness, under persecution for 17 years. The curiosity and excitement I had at the beginning of my cultivation were long gone. My initial enthusiasm for success was replaced with a sense of the heavy duty of fulfilling our mission. We came to this world because we made a vow.

Sometimes I doubt my level of tolerance, but there's always a voice that tells me my life was created by Dafa. I should do things according to Dafa's requirements. Even though I'm not perfect, I still have to do my best and I can't waste precious time.

I'm writing my feelings candidly, hoping to encourage myself and my fellow practitioners to persevere in fulfilling our duty.