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Falun Dafa Changed My World View and Made Me a Better Person

Dec. 16, 2016 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My husband used to be the village commissioner, and in the winter of 1996, a villager paid her dues early, which surprised him as she had always paid late before.

When he asked her why she paid early, she told him that she practices Falun Gong, which requires its adherents to be good people. She also said that the practice helped her to recover from all her illnesses.

My husband became interested in Falun Gong, and encouraged me to give it a try when he came home.

After dinner, he took me to the exercise site. We observed the practitioners doing the exercises there and then watched a video about the practice.

Falun Gong teaches the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person. I had never heard of such wonderful things, so I decided to learn it and follow its principles.

As a result, all of my illnesses soon disappeared and we experienced a harmonious family life, including with my extended family. I never used to get along with my family members.

Even my world view has changed. All of this happened because I practiced Falun Gong.

A Practitioner's Honesty

Two years ago, during the peanut harvesting time, I left two large piles of peanuts by the roadside, and went home to have dinner.

When I went back for the peanuts, I noticed that a large proportion was missing. I would have previously thrown a fit, but I was not moved.

My husband found a big sack of peanuts on the way home a couple of days later. I asked around and even went to the village center to report the lost peanuts, but nobody claimed it.

One of the staff said: “Since no one claims it, why don't you just take it home.”

I replied: “I am a Falun Gong practitioner. My Master asks us to conduct ourselves according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, so I must find out who it belongs to.”

Three days later, someone came to claim the peanuts. If I had not practiced Falun Gong, I would have kept them. Especially since I had lost a lot of peanuts only a few days earlier.

When I went grocery shopping in the supermarket, the cashier gave me extra change. I asked her if she had counted the change correctly. She thought that I meant that she had short changed me, and thus responded very rudely. When I told her that she had given me extra change, her attitude changed right away.

She said: “Aunty, you are truly a good person.”