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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Asia-Pacific Region Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year

Feb. 10, 2016

(Minghui.org) At the Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners in the Asia-Pacific region sent greetings to the Minghui website for their teacher, Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

The well-wishers are:

Practitioners in Anshan, South Korea:

Practitioners in Melbourne, Australia:

A practitioner and his/her family in Saudi Arabia:

Practitioners in Osaka, Japan:

All practitioners at Tianti Books in South Korea

A practitioner and his/her family in Osaka, Japan:

Practitioners in Taiwan:

A four-practitioner Fa-study group in Thailand:

A practitioner in Japan

A practitioner in Tokyo, Japan, on behalf of his/her family

A practitioner's family in Malaysia:

Practitioners in Melbourne, Australia, including:

a Fa-study group in Box Hill,a group of practitioners dedicated to making phone calls to China to clarify the facts about Falun Gong and the persecution,a group of practitioners dedicated to clarifying the facts to Chinese tourists at a tourist spotfive siblings and their families from Heilongjiang Province, China, who live in Australia

Greetings to Master were also received from a Chinese practitioner and his/her family in Auckland, New Zealand.