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Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Chinese Military Respectfully Wish Revered Master a Happy Chinese New Year (20 Greetings)

Feb. 8, 2016

(Minghui.org) As the 2016 Chinese New Year unfolds, thousands of greetings from around the world are sent to the Minghui website. These heartfelt greetings come from Falun Dafa practitioners as well as Dafa supporters. Along with the written greetings are scores of homemade greeting cards, poems, and photographs expressing gratitude and good wishes to Master Li for a Happy New Year.

Below are 20 greetings from Falun Dafa practitioners in the Chinese military. They are officers, veterans, and retired and demobilized soldiers from the following places:

Xi'an City and Datong City in Shaanxi ProvinceArmy SchoolsNational Defense SystemShandong ProvinceChongqing TroopNanjing City in Jiangsu ProvinceGuangzhou City in Guangdong ProvincePeople's Air Defense SystemDalian City in Liaoning Province

One group of practitioners with the national defense wrote: “No words can describe our gratitude to Master. We can only be diligent and cooperate well. We will save more sentient beings, fulfill our vows, and follow Master home.”

Another greeting from practitioners with the national defense says: “Master has given us this precious opportunity to cultivate and also gave all sentient beings a chance to be saved. We know the importance of our responsibility. We must be diligent, assist Master to rectify the Fa, and participate actively in bringing Chinese dictator Jiang Zemin to justice. We will work hard at doing the three things and save more people in this limited time frame so that we can fulfill our prehistoric vows and follow Master back to our original home.

“We cherish this opportunity tremendously because we are Dafa disciples. Dafa's needs and saving sentient beings are our responsibilities. We will truly let go of ourselves, work hard to do the three things well, strive to save more sentient beings, and be Master's qualified disciples.”

Practitioners from the People's Liberation Army in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, wrote:

“Falun spin all over the sky,the world's people are awakening gradually,obtain the Fa and cultivate,thank Master for his immense grace.”

Practitioners in the Military Wish Revered Master a Happy New Year!