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Falun Dafa Practitioners in California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, and Elsewhere in the United States Respectfully Wish Master Li a Happy Chinese New Year

Feb. 8, 2016

(Minghui.org) On the occasion of the Chinese New Year, Falun Dafa practitioners in California, Texas, Arizona, Utah, and elsewhere in the United States sent in greetings to their teacher, Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Dafa.

Below are the greetings with images:

From all practitioners in northern California:

From all practitioners in Houston, Texas:

From practitioners who work in the US federal and governmental departments at all levels:

From all practitioners in Texas:

From practitioners in San Diego:

From practitioners in Austin, Texas:

From young practitioners in Los Angeles:

From practitioners in Arizona:

From all practitioners in Utah:

From practitioners in Fa-study groups in Arizona:

From Chinese practitioners in Utah:

Greetings to Master were also received from:

Practitioners at the truth clarification site in Twin Peaks, San Francisco

Practitioners who work at New Tang Dynasty Television and the Epoch Times newspaper in San Francisco

All practitioners in Arizona

Practitioners in a Fa-study group in Tempe, Arizona

Practitioners at a truth clarification site on Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco

Practitioners in Oklahoma

Practitioners in West Texas

Practitioners in the Greater Phoenix Area and Arizona State University

A married practitioner couple on behalf of their whole family in Las Vegas

A practitioner's family of four in San Francisco