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Zunhua Police Illegally Detain 11 Practitioners for Suing Jiang Zemin

Feb. 8, 2016 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Zunhua police officers illegally detained 11 Falun Dafa practitioners for filing criminal complaints against Jiang Zemin, the former head of the Chinese Communist Party, for initiating and directing the persecution of Falun Dafa for the past 16 years. The police then refused to release them at the end of their terms.

Officers from the Zunhua City Domestic Security Division arrested them all between January 14 and 20, 2016, and took them to Zunhua City Detention Center.

Three practitioners--Yan Guoyan, Li Shufeng, and Mr. Gao Zilin--have been detained for more than 15 days, which is the limit for temporary detention. But Zunhua police refused to release them.

The families of three others--Tian Xiuping, Tian Xiujun, and Zhao Guoquan--paid fines and meal expenses. However, the authorities did not release them, pressuring each practitioner to write a "repentance statement."

Mr. Wen Zhihua had also served 15 days by January 30. He was released after his family paid 900 yuan for meals and a 1000-yuan "fine." He was also forced to write a “repentance statement.”

When Ms. Yan Guoyan’s family went to pick her up at the Zuhua Detention Center on January 30, detention center officials told them to pay for her meals and a fine. The family did not have the money but returned that afternoon after Ms. Yan called them.

A security guard stopped them at the entrance and told them to call Yan Wanjiang, the head of the brainwashing center under the Zunhua 610 Office. Yan Wanjiang told them they had to first pay a fine of 1000 yuan plus meal expenses. As a result of years of persecution, they had no funds to spare, so Ms. Yan remains in detention.

The authorities also extorted 300 yuan for meals from practitioner Ms. Cai Chunhua's family. But when they went to pick her up as the police promised after she had been detained for 5 days, the police refused to release her.

Detailed information about practitioners Ms. Li Shufen and Li Yanjun was not available.

The 11 arrested practitioners are:

Ms. Cai Chunhua of Li Village in Dangyu Town,Zhao Guangming and Mr. Wen Zhihua from Wenzhuang Village,Ms. Yan Guoyan from Qihu Village,Li Yanjun from Gongli Village,Ms. Li Shufen and Mr. Gao Zilin (wife and husband) from Donggou VillageXu Fengxia from Diaozhuangzi Village,Tian Xiuping, Tian Xiujun, and Zhao Guoquan from Houjiashan Village

Parties responsible for persecuting the 11 practitioners:Yan Wanjiang (闫万江), head of Zunhua 610 Office Brainwashing Center:+86-13582584868;Zunhua Domestic Security Police: +86-315-6614261-36336Wang Aiqing(王爱青), director of Zunhua Detention Center: +86-13832982148