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On the Brink of Death in Prison, Saved by a Miracle

Feb. 9, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Hebei Province, China

(Minghui.org) A boy in my village was poisoned in his home in July 2002. Because my family and the boy's family did not get along, the boy's family suspected that I had killed him. Without any investigation or evidence, the police sent me to a detention center, and I was labeled a “murderer.”

I did not kill the boy, so of course I could not tell the police how he was killed. The police tortured me trying to extract a confession. They broke my legs, and my skin became covered with ulcers and lacerations. I had severe convulsions in my limbs, paralysis on one side of my body, and my mind was foggy. Medical treatment did not help. I was on the brink of death.

The detention center was full of Falun Dafa practitioners. The director of the detention center told me one day in March 2003 to "go practice Falun Dafa with them." She was afraid that if I died in the center, she would be held liable. The director gave a Falun Dafa practitioner named Liu Xinai permission to teach me the exercises so I could recover from my illnesses.

Liu told me that Falun Dafa requires practitioners to abide by a high moral standard, and adhere to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and that we should be honest, good people. She told me to sincerely recite "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and that Master would help me. I could not stand up at the time, so she taught me to practice the sitting mediation and to send forth righteous thoughts.

It was that simple, but a miracle happened to me the next day. I could stand up and walk again. The director of the center was very surprised. She said, "You have my permission to continue practicing with them." The practitioners taught me to memorize the Dafa books, and my health became better day-by-day. I required myself to adhere to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to be a good person. I took care of fellow practitioners who had been brutally persecuted. I felt very happy for practitioners who were able to leave the detention center with their righteous thoughts. I told every inmate in my cell about the goodness of Falun Dafa. I shared my personal experiences with them. The inmates sincerely recited, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.” They received blessings, and their litigation cases closed smoothly. Many inmates said that they would practice Dafa after they were released from prison.

In the end, the guards and inmates called me “the one who practices Falun Dafa” instead of my name. They did not beat me again. A college student who was jailed for practicing Falun Dafa was sent to the detention center. She helped me prepare an appeal letter, which I sent to the intermediate court. After an investigation and a trial, I was proven innocent. The court cleared all the charges against me on February 7, 2007 and released me immediately. The court also awarded me 180,000 yuan (~US$27,000) in compensation.

After I returned home, I found local Falun Dafa practitioners. We now study the Dafa books and do the exercises together. We also tell others about Falun Dafa and the persecution.