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Clarifying the Facts about Falun Gong with Confidence and Dignity

May 5, 2016 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China

(Minghui.org) While distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials, I changed my human notions and upgraded my xinxing. I also changed from feeling undignified to dignified and from being misunderstood to being effective.

Fear Creates Wrong Impression

When I was clarifying the facts to one of my relatives, the relative said, “Oh, I often find these materials outside my door. I sometimes hear movement outside, and I open the door and see elderly people distributing these materials. They run away when they see me.”

She continued, “They have been sneaking around as if they are doing something shameful. While watching them slip away, I thought that such people must be up to no good.”

She then told me that she had not read the materials. However, after I explained the persecution of Falun Gong to her, she realized that we are doing something noble for the people. She asked me, “You are doing something upright, but why do you do it sneakily?”

“These truth-clarification books are very precious,” I responded. “Whoever reads them will be blessed. As for those who distribute these books, they also have their own difficulties. If they are reported, they can be arrested, beaten or tortured. They are clarifying the facts about Falun Dafa at the risk of their own safety. Please don’t look down upon them. They are very respectable people.”

An Illusion and False Ego

It took a long time before I calmed down. I wondered why my relative had told me this, especially, since everything that happens to a practitioner is for a reason. I must have some hidden attachment.

Master said: “Since it’s cultivation, nothing on our path of cultivation is coincidental.”(Teaching the Fa at the Conference in New Zealand)

The state of mind and the method I have used when distributing Dafa materials opened up in my mind: I get alarmed, short of breath, red in the face and sweaty when coming across people, whether they are men, women, children or the elderly.

We Falun Dafa practitioners think or say that we are taking the most righteous path in the universe. But often our minds and methods are not the most righteous. What my relative said was reasonable.

I asked myself, “This type of behavior creates a negative environment and negative thoughts. Is it not far from the requirement of practitioners assisting Master in the Fa-rectification?”

Master said,

“If you do not care and do not put them on your mind, with the master and the Fa here what is there to fear?” (Lecture in Sydney)

Practitioners assist Master in the Fa-rectification and are involved in saving sentient beings, so how can we be afraid of sentient beings?

I now have a clear understanding, and I repeat to myself, “This fear is not me, but an illusion, a mentality developed in the old cosmos and a false ego.” I was determined that I must reject the old force’s arrangement, break it, clear it and become a dignified practitioner.”

Changed Attitude Brings Encouragement

On seeing my xinxing improvement, I believe Master arranged for everyday people to encourage me. I went to a residential area to distribute Dafa materials. After putting a truth-clarification book on a door in a hallway, I turned to the opposite door. I was about to put the book on the door, it suddenly opened. “Oh! You scared me,” said a young man standing in front of me.

Instead of feeling frightened, I said, “Don’t be afraid, I am bringing you a blessing. People who read this material will be blessed.” On hearing my explanation, he laughed.

He accepted the book Heaven Bestows Great Blessings, thanked me, put it inside the apartment and hurried downstairs. I continued to place the books in front of the doors and felt that Master always takes care of practitioners.

After that I went to a village with fellow practitioners. A middle-aged woman stepped out of a door. With a smile, I gave her the book and said that it would bring her luck and those who read it will be blessed. She accepted it and said that she had received such materials in the past.

It is as what Master said: “If you are not afraid, the factor that would make you afraid will cease to exist.”(“Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)” from Essentials for Further Advancement II)

Righteous Mind, Righteous Action

In another village I heard someone call out, “Please come over here!” When I turned around I saw two people sitting in the shade of a tree and waving at me. First I worried, but then I thought, “I am a dignified Falun Dafa practitioner, taking the most positive action in the universe. I have Master taking care of me. Nobody deserves to test me or persecute me.”

I gave them each a copy of the book, “Heaven Bestows Great Blessing.” They asked about the content of the book. I said, “The content is varied, such as people recovering from illnesses, families becoming harmonious after practicing Falun Dafa, analysis of evidence showing that the Tiananmen Square self-immolation was a hoax and information about people from the around whole country who have sued Jiang Zemin.”

He wanted to know why Jiang Zemin was being sued. I said, “Jiang Zemin has ceded parts of our homeland to Russia, is corrupt and has appointed a large number of corrupt officials. He is also suppressing the people and persecutes Falun Dafa, a cultivation path whose practitioners follow the principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. This has resulted in a moral decline throughout society. Don’t you think that he should be sued?” He promised to read the book carefully.

People have accepted Dafa materials from me readily after I changed my thinking and attitude.

Master said:

“Actually, when Master wants something done a certain way, it’s not simply that he thought of something and then that’s it. I have to do a tremendous amount of preparation, which you cannot see, and all of those gods work on it too. Everything has been prepared, and all that’s missing is for you to carry it out. Yet you won’t take that step,…” (“Dafa Disciples Must Study the Fa - Fa Teaching Given at the 2011 Washington DC Metro Area Fa Conference”)