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Leading People to Dafa with a Sincere Heart

June 2, 2016 |   By a Dafa practitioner from Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) I would like to share how I was able to lead not only a married couple to become Dafa practitioners but how I also helped 35 other people to understand and accept Dafa. I did it on the strength of a sincere heart.

It Started with My Relationship with Aiyin

Aiyin and I worked in different departments in the same company, so we got to see and talk with each other a lot. She was then the chief engineer, with a strong, serious, feisty, outspoken, unyielding personality. She often got extremely upset at things, so her general health was not very good.

I always followed Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in my frequent work-related dealings with her, so she felt I was really sincere and honest, and began to treat me as a confidante.

When she would share with me her frustrations and troubles, I would share with her the superior notion of loss and gain that I learned from Dafa. I would also recommend that she to try to put herself in the other person’s shoes and look at things with compassion and empathy.

How Aiyin’s Mother Broke Away from the Communist Party’s Bondage

In 2004, Aiyin said to me, with tears in her eyes, “My mother has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. The doctor gave her only six months. My sister wants to take her on trips, but Mother doesn’t want to go because she’s afraid they cost too much money. What do you say I should do?”

I suggested, “Let’s go pay your mother a visit when we get off work.”

When we met, Aiyin’s mother treated me like a long-lost friend. She held my hands and we talked and talked. In the end, I taught her to recite, “Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good.”

I told her, “Say those words sincerely, and blessings will come your way.”

She kept saying, "Good. Good. Good! I will! I will!"

Before leaving, I gave her a Dafa amulet. She accepted it as if she had just received a most precious gift. She held my hands, walked me to the door, and was reluctant to let me go.

Later, Aiyin’s mother recovered so well that she could cook for herself again. Sometimes, she could even help her children out by steaming buns for them.

She called me often and invited me for visits. I eventually developed a great rapport, not only with her but also with the rest of her family.

One day, Aiyin's sister, niece, and other family members were at her mother’s house. We chatted about this and that, but I directed the casual conversation to truth clarification.

I talked about the Communist Party’s acts of corruption and other evil deeds, then about its persecution of Falun Gong and about how Falun Gong is now practiced in many countries and regions in the world.

Then I encouraged them to renounce the Party and withdraw from its affiliated organizations.

Everybody present did so gladly. Aiyin’s mother said, “I joined the Communist Youth League. Please help me quit it.”

Aiyin Has a Uterine Tumor

In 2005, doctors discovered a tumor in Aiyin’s uterus. Her husband was working away from home, and she didn’t want to worry her mother, so I accompanied her to check into the hospital.

Aiyin had to undergo a special test the following day and was feeling very nervous. I told her to recite: "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

I assured her that saying the nine golden words with sincerity would let her adjust her state of mind and help her overcome her anxiety.

Early the next morning when I arrived at the hospital, Aiyin reported, “Last night, I didn’t start out saying the words you taught me. Instead, I tried my usual method of counting to induce sleep. That didn’t work. I was unable to fall asleep for half the night. Finally, I resorted to your nine words. I don’t even know when I fell asleep.”

Aiyin spoke with her voice raised so that the two other patients in her ward could hear her clearly.

She continued, “This lady is not my blood relative. It’s she who taught me those nine golden words. You should all learn to recite them, too! You’ll benefit greatly.”

The two patients were surprised, “Wow, there are still such good people in the world. That is really something.”

I told them, “It’s only because I practice Falun Dafa.”

When I clarified the truth to them, they both listened intently, with respect and admiration.

Test results revealed that Aiyin’s tumor was benign, After she was discharged, she invited me to meet up with some of her friends. I seized the opportunity and succeeded in helping six of them quit the Communist Party and all its affiliates.

Aiyin Diagnosed with Breast Cancer

In July 2014, Aiyin’s place of employment conducted an annual routine physical examination for female employees. She was diagnosed with breast cancer.

Aiyin was devastated. Her whole family was in turmoil. She asked me what to do.

I recommended, “Go for conservative treatment. Don’t have surgery. I'll teach you to practice Falun Gong.”

However, her daughter, sister, and brother all rejected my recommendation.

Aiyin reluctantly agreed to have surgery. I asked her to block out every thought but just remember to recite, "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

The operation was a success.

That night, Aiyin’s husband and I kept watch over her. She slept well.

The next day, her ward-mates asked her how she felt and if she was in much pain.

She told them with a bright smile, “I have a secret weapon. I feel just fine. I have no pain.”

A three-to-seven-day hospital stay is the norm after such a surgery, but Aiyin recovered so well that she was discharged from the hospital the next day.

The night of her surgery, I stayed awake with her husband. I talked to him about how I benefited physically and mentally and have never gotten sick since I became a Falun Dafa cultivator.

I recommended that he and Aiyin try practicing Falun Gong. He promised that they would.

Aiyin Has Chemotherapy

When Aiyin returned home, she and her husband began to watch the videotapes of Master’s "Guangzhou Fa Teaching." I taught them the exercises.

Aiyin then started chemotherapy. She needed to undergo outpatient intravenous infusion once every 21 days, for a total of eight times.

Her husband had to go to work, so I offered to be with her.

When Aiyin was in the hospital, her relatives and friends would come from all over to visit her. I wanted to save each and every one of them, so I pleaded for Master's blessings and help.

With each group of friends or relatives, I would use wisdom gained from Dafa to talk to them about the Communist Party and all its atrocities and help them renounce the Party and withdraw from its affiliated organizations.

They all gladly accepted the Dafa amulets I passed out to them.

Aiyin’s husband's sister came from far away and stayed for a while. In the past, she was rather prejudiced toward Falun Gong. She believed the Party’s lies and that Falun Gong was involved in politics and that the Tiananmen self-immolation was true.

After close scrutiny of my behavior for some time and listening to me explain the truth more than once, she began to understand and change her mind.

She said to me, “I can see that Falun Gong is indeed good. In the past, I didn’t understand it. Now, through you, I’ve understood the truth. You take such good care of Aiyin and are always so considerate of others. I can see the government’s television broadcasts are not factual. The Communist Party is so bad. How can it make up such a big lie to deceive people? The Party is absolutely outrageous!”

There were two other patients in Aiyin’s ward. I often offered to help watch their infusion bottles or call for a nurse.

In every word and deed, I tried to show everybody the beauty of Dafa. I did my best to find ways to give each visitor the opportunity to learn about Falun Gong and the truth behind the Party’s persecution, to help them to quit the Party, and to learn the words "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good."

One patient at Aiyin’s chemo sessions was a Party member. Her family had money, and she and her husband each owned a car. However, her mental state was very poor.

She wanted to know why Aiyin was not in pain after her surgery. After I spoke with her a few times, she finally understood the truth and decided to quit the Party and all its affiliates. She also accepted a Dafa amulet from me.

I was glad yet another life was saved.

Aiyin and Her Husband Begin to Cultivate Falun Gong

After Aiyin was discharged from the hospital, she listened to Master’s "Guangzhou Fa Teaching," studied Falun Gong’s main text Zhuan Falun, and read the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party.

In May 2015, Aiyin started to feel bad. Her lips were parched. Her tongue was dry Her head itched. Her stomach ached. She had back pain. She couldn’t sleep. She felt fatigued. Her blood sugar was high. And so on.

She said she was suffering a living death.

I helped her analyze her situation from the standpoint of the Fa and encouraged her to cultivate seriously.

And so Aiyin started to cultivate Falun Gong. I went to her house once a week to study the Fa, do the exercises, and share experiences with her.

Every morning, she studied the Fa. In the evening, she listened to Master’s taped lectures until 11 o’clock. At about 3:30 a.m. she got up to do the exercises.

In less than two months, she changed a lot. Her face became rosy, her skin shone, and her hair was slowly turning black again. She really looked reborn.

She could also do household chores, go out grocery shopping, and cook meals at home.

When her husband witnessed this, he also started to study the Fa. In less than a week, he quit smoking. He told himself, “I need to quit drinking, too.”

Husband and wife both had a sense of urgency, and so they tried their best to help each other to advance in their cultivation.

Aiyin’s xinxing also improved greatly. In the past, she would often call her friends and they would talk about what to eat and drink, their health, and what remedies they should try out. Or they would talk about where to go to have fun.

Now she put a halt to all human attachments. She concentrated solely on cultivation practice, to make up for her past ignorance that had prevented her from starting to practice Dafa sooner.

In 2012, Aiyin’s daughter married a southerner. Because there are big cultural differences, at the beginning, the relationship between the bride’s and the groom’s families was a bit strained.

Everyone was wary of each other. Everybody walked around on eggshells, and nobody was honest about what they felt.

However, after Aiyin and her husband started Falun Dafa cultivation, their attitude changed. They began to practice the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. They tried always think of others first.

They reminded their daughter to be kind to and considerate of her mother-in-law, especially when the elderly lady didn’t have it easy since she had to take care of her grandchild and shop and cook.

Their daughter listened and became more relaxed, patient, and tolerant. She would often take her mother-in-law shopping, buy her nice clothes, and make her feel valued and appreciated.

Aiyin Validates and Spreads Dafa

Before long, Aiyin started to use her own experiences to validate Dafa. One day, she ran into a neighbor who is a Christian.

She told the neighbor, "I have my own belief now."

"What is it?"

"Falun Gong."

"Didn’t the government ban it? And you still practice it?”

Aiyin told her, "I practice Falun Gong, and all my diseases are gone. I don’t take any medicine any more, and I feel great."

Whenever relatives got sick or had any aches and pains, Aiyin would teach them to recite "Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good" and give them Dafa amulets.

When her sisters-in-law saw that Aiyin not only began to enjoy good health, but her manners and conduct were greatly improved from what they had experienced in the past, they all said, “If we hadn’t witnessed the enormous changes in you, we would never have believed it.

“Now we know firsthand Falun Gong is truly good! We can see clearly that all propaganda against Falun Gong we’ve been getting on television are made-up lies…

“If more people would practice Falun Gong, our country would have a lot more good people, and corruption would not exist.

“The Communist Party has made up such a big lie and spread such horrendous rumors. Heaven won’t be able to tolerate it!”

Leading People to Dafa with a Sincere Heart

During Aiyin’s hospitalization and chemotherapy sessions, I went to visit her frequently. Getting there and back proved very time-consuming. It would take me two hours just to travel. Sometimes I felt truly overwhelmed.

However, I knew there was no accident in cultivation, so that might just be the cultivation path I had to walk well. There must be tests I needed to overcome and sentient beings I needed to save.

So I continued to do my exercises every morning, studied the Fa, and sent forth righteous thoughts en route, and sometimes was even able to make some truth-clarification phone calls.

I also made use of the time when Aiyin’s family brought lunch for her to go out to find some place to send righteous thought or distribute Dafa materials to people.

At night, when I stayed over and Aiyin was asleep, I would either study the Fa or memorize portions of the Fa or do my exercises.

During that time, I succeeded not only in leading Aiyin and her husband into Dafa so that they started cultivating, but, as I came into contact with her and her husband’s immediate family, more distant relatives, friends, and all kinds of other people, I was also able to clarify the truth to 35 of them so that they decided to withdraw from the Party and all its affiliates.

To each I gave a Dafa amulet, with my sincere wish that they would have a great and bright future.

I use a cultivator’s selflessness to put others first, touching the hearts of Aiyin’s family and friends, and other sentient beings, so that they would see Dafa in a positive light.

Aiyin’s tremendous physical and mental changes allowed people to witness Dafa's miraculous power and beauty.

When they understood the Fa, they all withdrew from the Party, and sincerely thanked Dafa’s Master for such a special blessing.

They also acknowledged me as a Dafa disciple who spread the Fa without regard for reward or payment or personal safety, and all expressed a desire to further spread Dafa to others.

Thank you, Master! Thank you, fellow practitioners!