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Practitioner Repairs Muddy Road and Permits Neighbor to Build Wall on Own Property

Oct. 11, 2017 |   By a Falun Gong practitioners in Heilongjiang Province, China

(Minghui.org) The main road in our village is a hazard when it rains, the vehicles get stuck in mud and pedestrians have difficulty walking through the area, regardless of their boot gear. For eight years, no one has volunteered to fix it. The cars would take detours after the rain.

The villagers suggested to raise money to fix the road in the Spring of 2016. I spent 1000 yuan to buy sand and dirt. The materials covered a stretch of over 10 homes in the area. I rebuilt the road wider by filling it with a thick layer of sand and soil, then flattened it out with a bulldozer.

It did not take too long to repair the road, and my neighbors were happy with it.

The others suggested a collection to reimburse me. But I refused and told them that I am a Falun Gong practitioner and was happy as long as others were happy.

The home of one of my neighbors is in a low area, and it took a lot of soil and sand to level the road. The neighbors were embarrassed and wanted to return 400 yuan to me. I also refused, and they were very grateful.

The villagers commented, “Look at Falun Gong! People have difficulty donating 100 or 200 yuan these days, but their family donated the money and fixed the road themselves. Falun Gong practitioners think of others first. They are good people who do not ask for returns. Falun Gong is great!”

Offering Own Land to Build Wall

My new neighbor's home is on the west side of ours, and the two homes are divided by a wall. The new owner wanted to widen their entrance door, which required rebuilding the wall. They asked for my permission, and I agreed.

They started building the base of the wall. I went outside to check and found the wall was limited by the property border. I thought that since I am a Falun Gong practitioner, I should think of others first. I then permitted the owner to build part of the new wall over my land to widen the entrance.

Several carpenters were shocked after hearing me, as people protected their land rather than offering it to others!

I told them that it was not a problem. The neighbor said emotionally, “A couple days ago in another village, my brother in-law built a wall between two houses. His old neighbor fought with his in-law about it, as the wall was built onto someone's property. Then the wall was torn down after the two neighbors quarreled.

I am a practitioner. Our Master told us to think of others first, tell them the truth, do the right thing, and be kind to people. I told them that I had many illnesses before, such as breast cancer, gynecological diseases, sinusitis and headaches before practicing Falun Gong. I quit school earlier due to health conditions and had visited many hospitals for treatment, but was not cured after spending so much money.

However, within four months of practicing, all my illnesses were gone and my entire family became harmonious. Our new neighbors were pleased to understand the truth. They said that they, too, would have practiced had the government not suppressed Falun Gong.

We have all gotten along very well and treated each other as family over the years.