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Detained in Shenyang Detention Center, Ms. Bao Yan Has Difficulty Walking

Oct. 25, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Liaoning Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Bao Yan is a Falun Gong practitioner from Qingyuan County, Liaoning Province. She was arrested in September and has been detained in the Shenyang City Detention Center for more than 20 days. It has been reported that she now has difficulty walking. Her nearly-90-year-old mother is waiting for her to return home.

Arrested, Home Ransacked

Police from the Xinle Police Station in Huanggu District of Shenyang City, along with officers from Qingyuan County of Fushun City, arrested Ms. Bao Yan on the morning of September 20, 2017.

Before the arrest they raided Ms. Bao's apartment in Shenyang City and confiscated personal property including over 100,000 yuan in cash, multiple bank cards, and her personal ID. The money came from selling a house in Qingyuan County, and many years of savings.

Ms. Bao and her son had been staying with her elderly mother in Qingyuan County, so they weren't present when the police arrived at their home.

Past Persecution

Four years ago, when police officers from Dadong District went to Ms. Bao's apartment to arrest her, she tried to escape by jumping from the fourth floor of the building. She suffered severe injuries from the fall. The police were afraid of being held responsible, so they left her where she fell. As she mended, Ms. Bao was forced to move from place to place to avoid being arrested.

Finally almost fully recovered from her injuries, Ms. Bao has been arrested again.

Contact information for agents responsible for the persecution of Ms. Bao Yan:

Sun Yadong (孙亚东), head of Huanggu District Domestic Security Division: +86-24-86404354Fu Dequan (付德全), deputy of Huanggu District Domestic Security Division: +86-13840325205Zheng Zhiwen (郑志文), head of Qingyuan County Domestic Security Division: +86-24-53077633Xu Xiangchun (徐向春), deputy of Qingyuan County Domestic Security Division: +86-24-53030717Sun Tianyu (孙天宇), head of Qingyuan County Police Department: +86-24-53030051

Related articles:Ms. Bao Yan and Family Devastated by PersecutionMs. Bao Yan Severely Injured while Trying to Escape Unlawful Arrest