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Brave Nanjing Senior Remains Steadfast Despite Tenth Arrest

Nov. 27, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Zhang Xiuhua, 64, is a Falun Gong practitioner in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province. Police from the Qixia District 610 Office, Qixia Police Department, and Yaohuamen Police Station broke into her home on September 20, 2017. They arrested her and ransacked her home. Three days later, Ms. Zhang was in extremely poor condition and released home on bail pending trial. 

Ms. Zhang has been arrested 10 times by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) since the onset of the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999.

After her most recent arrest, Ms. Zhang was first taken to the local police station for interrogation and then to a local detention center. During the medical exam, it was found that she had high blood pressure of 200 mm Hg and was denied entry into the detention center. However, the 610 Office personnel forced the center to admit Ms. Zhang.

She was reexamined in the detention center the next day and had an extremely high blood pressure reading of 240 mm Hg. The 610 Office personnel insisted on leaving her in the detention center under close observation. Her blood pressure then increased and she experienced a fever and signs of a heart attack. Her family was informed to take her home.

Plainclothes police officers remained outside of Ms. Zhang's home to monitor her. Agents from the local residential community also often went to harass her.

Ms. Zhang Xiuhua was a retiree from Nanjing Construction Company. She started practicing Falun Gong in 1999 and followed the principle of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She once managed to find the owner of a gold necklace that she'd found 10 years ago and returned the necklace.

However, Ms. Zhang was severely persecuted due to her persistent belief. Despite her kindness, she was a target of arrest, detention, forced labor and brainwashing. She incurred numerous injuries during these ordeals. In total, CCP agents arrested her 10 times, took her into detention three times, sentenced her to one year of forced labor, and placed her in brainwashing centers eight times.

Arrests, Detention Due to Persistent Faith

In June 2002, Ms. Zhang was reported to the police and arrested at home by officers from the Ruijinlu Police Station for clarifying the truth at Wuchaomen Park, Baixia District, Nanjing City. Her home was ransacked and the police took away personal belongings worth over 10,000 yuan. She was detained in the Nanjing Detention Center for one month and then sent to a brainwashing center for one week. Pan Shiqing, head of the Qixia District 610 Office, was involved in this round of persecution.

In August 2002, prior to the 16th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party, Ms. Zhang was arrested at home and taken to a brainwashing center in Lanyan Hostel. She was detained there for two months. Her home was ransacked, and Dafa materials including books, audio lectures, and a tape recorder were taken away.

Ms. Zhang was deceived by the police from the Yaohuamen Police Station on December 28, 2004 and arrested upon her arrival at the police station. Her home was ransacked, and her Dafa materials were taken away. She was sent to a brainwashing facility and detained for two months.

In June 2006, she was again arrested at home by several plainclothes police. They ransacked her home and sent her to a brainwashing center in Jiajia Hostel. She was detained there for two months.

In June 2007, Ms. Zhang's husband, Sun Genluo, was arrested for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in his hometown of Jiangdu City. He was later subjected to 14 months of forced labor. Their home was ransacked. Ms. Zhang was taken to a brainwashing facility in Nanguang Hostel. She was detained there for six months and forcibly administered unknown drugs.

Pan Shiqing instructed the police to videotape the damage after the police ransacked her home. They also filmed her grandson calling, “Grandma, come home soon...,” and her pregnant daughter-in-law pleading, “Mother, just give up and come back home ...” It devastated Ms. Zhang to watch her family suffer.

Ms. Zhang and her husband were arrested in May 2011 while visiting a friend's home. The arrest was led by Xiao Ningjian, head of the Nanjing Domestic Security Division. Ms. Zhang was sent to a brainwashing center for one month. Her husband, Sun Genluo, was first detained in the Qixi Detention Center and then transferred to the Nanjing Detention Center. Ms. Zhang and her husband were released due to their health conditions. Their home was ransacked and the police took away many personal belongings, including a desktop computer, six printers, a collection of Dafa books, Dafa amulets, and Shen Yun DVDs.

On November 6, 2012, Ms. Zhang was again deceived into reporting to the local police station. She was arrested by Cui Zongbing, head of the Domestic Security Division, and her home was ransacked. The police secretly installed a surveillance camera in front of her home. She was later sent to a brainwashing center in Huada Hostel and detained there for over one month.

On May 29, 2013, after Ms. Zhang arrived home, several police led by Cui Zongbing arrested her and took her to the Yaohuamen Police Station. Her home was ransacked. The police took away personal belongings including two desktop computers, a CD burner, a printer, CDs, and other truth-clarifying materials. She was sent to a brainwashing facility at Huada Hostel the next day and detained there for two months. Her daughter was also called to the police station where they threatened her with job loss if she could not stop her mother from practicing Falun Gong.

On March 6, 2014, Ms. Zhang was arrested again outside of her home by Cui Zongbing and other officers. She was taken to the local police station, then to the brainwashing facility in Huada Hostel. She was detained there for about two months. Her home was ransacked again.

In June 2015, Ms. Zhang and her husband filed a lawsuit against Jiang Zemin with the Supreme Court, after which they were continually harassed by the local police, 610 Office, and agents from the local residential community.