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Intermediate Court Attempts to Stop Practitioner from Filing Appeal

Nov. 28, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jiangsu Province, China

(Minghui.org) An Intermediate Court in a coastal province in China told a defendant that they would not provide a copy of the verdict unless he agrees to not file an appeal.

Mr. Ye Weidong from Haimen City was arrested in 2016 for publishing information about Falun Gong on social media. He was sentenced by the Haimen County Court – a lower court – to a two year prison term in August 2017. The judge told Mr. Ye's family that they would not receive an official copy of the verdict if they planned to file an appeal.

Mr. Ye's family still filed the appeal.

The Intermediate Court of Nantong City gave their decision to Mr. Ye's attorney on November 9. They upheld Mr. Ye's conviction, but reduced his prison term to 21 months, shortening it by three months.

However, the Intermediate Court also ruled that Mr. Ye and his family would not receive an official copy of the verdict unless they agreed to not file an appeal.

The authorities also denied a family visit, which was against the rules.