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Chengdu Practitioner in Critical Condition, Family Urges Release

Nov. 4, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent from Sichuan Province, China

(Minghui.org) Ms. Li Zhongfang from Chengdu, in her 50s, went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal persecution shortly after her arrest on August 1. She is in critical condition, and her family has pressed authorities for her immediate release.

Ms. Li is being detained in the Qingyang District Xinhua Neighborhood Health Service Center, the designated hospital for the Chengdu City Detention Center. When her lawyer visited her recently, she was completely unrecognizable. She was emaciated and looked like a 70-year-old. A force-feeding tube had been inserted into her nostril.

A police officer in the center told the family that Ms. Li was in really bad shape and that her life was in danger.

More information about Ms. Li's arrest and situation: Chengdu Practitioner Tortured in Custody, On Hunger Strike