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Getting Rid of My Addiction to Video Games

Nov. 4, 2017 |   By a young Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I am eleven years old and just graduated from elementary school. My grandma, grandpa, and aunts all practice Falun Dafa. I was fortunate enough to spend this past summer with them, studying the Fa and learning the exercises. During the summer, I got rid of my 7-year addiction to video games.

When I was younger, my grandma and grandpa took care of me because my parents were very busy. According to my grandma, I started listening to the lectures of Master Li before I could speak. I also imitated Grandma and Grandpa doing the exercises. When they sent forth righteous thoughts, I played quietly next to them. My grandma said that I was a healthy child and rarely got sick.

I left Grandma and Grandpa when I started elementary school. My parents have always been very busy with their work and often couldn't pick me up from school, so I had a key to our apartment and usually came home from school with no supervision.

I started playing video games and became obsessed with them. Because I wanted to play video games, I did not want to do my homework and often slept late. I couldn't focus in school and had frequent headaches. My parents tried many ways to keep me from playing video games, but nothing worked. As time went by, I became irritable, overweight, and did not like any outdoor activity.

A few weeks ago, my aunt show me the following paragraph from “Fa Teaching Given at the New York Fa Conference Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of Dafa's Spreading:”

“Yes, today’s video games are all made by people who are acting at the prompting of aliens. People think that those games were their own creations. But as I said earlier, people don’t know the source of the ideas they have that make them want to create those things. People have no awareness of what’s involved in their thought process at various levels, or how it is that foreign ideas get put into their minds. People are only aware of what happens at the surface level. Those games are harmful and poisonous to humankind, and are leading people to lose their humanity.”

I was shocked, and that made me determined to give up video games. I picked up my phone and started to delete the games on it. Suddenly, the screen blacked out. I asked Master for help and took out the battery. I then put the battery back in and turned it on. The games were deleted.

A few days later, I was using an iPad and saw the video games on it. I couldn't help starting to play again. My aunt reminded me to strengthen my righteous thoughts and break away from video games. She said that our precious bodies should not be controlled by bad things. I immediately deleted all the games on the iPad.

Through studying the Fa, I started to understand that human society is like a mud puddle. Everyday people are attached to fame and self-interest and find society enjoyable, but it is actually very dangerous. Master has provided us with a ladder that can lead us to heaven. If we assimilate to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance through cultivation, we can climb that ladder and return to our true homes.