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United Kingdom: People Speak Up Against the Persecution of Falun Gong

Feb. 23, 2017 |   By Minghui correspondents in U.K.

(Minghui.org) Around the time of Chinese New Year, Falun Gong practitioners around the world, instead of enjoying the major holiday in their warm homes, chose to stand in the cold. They set up information desks and posters at tourist destinations to raise the awareness of the ongoing persecution of the spiritual discipline in China.

More tourists than usual were in London's Chinatown on January 28, Chinese New Year's Day. The local practitioners had set up a table filled with Falun Gong information materials. Around the table were posters with information on the persecution and the atrocities of China’s state-sanctioned organ harvesting from prisoners of conscience, primarily Falun Gong practitioners incarcerated for refusing to renounce their faith. Many tourists, after learning about the persecution, signed a petition calling for an end to the persecution and forced organ harvesting atrocity.

During the Chinese New Year in 2017, practitioners in London tell tourists and local Chinese people in Chinatown about the ongoing persecution in China.

Tourists sign a petition calling for an end to the persecution and organ harvesting atrocities after learning the facts.

Wish to Help End the Brutality

A British woman learns about Falun Gong and the persecution for the first time.

A British woman, who was in Chinatown with her fiancé, noticed the posters with information about forced organ harvesting, and read about why the Chinese regime persecutes Falun Gong. She signed the petition and said, “This is terrible and I hope my signature can add to the effort to end the brutality.”

No More Suffering for the Practitioners in China

Young man from Brazil signs the petition after reading the posters.

After reading the posters, a young man who came from Brazil to work in London six months ago, signed the petition. He said he wished that “there is no more suffering for the practitioners in China.”

College Students from the U.S. Astounded

College student from the U.S. signs the petition condemning the brutalities of forced organ harvesting.

An exchange student from the U.S. had been to China before but didn't know about the persecution. Astounded by the severity of the crimes committed in the scheme of organ harvesting, she planned to use it as her research topic.

No More Lies from Chinese Regime

A woman from Belgium signs the petition to support the practitioners.

A woman from Belgium, who had heard about the persecution of Falun Gong and signed a petition before, saw the practitioners in Chinatown and immediately signed the petition again. She said that many people have been fooled by the economic illusion created by the Chinese communist regime, and that they should stop believing its lies.

People in downtown Leeds also saw Falun Gong practitioners clarifying the facts about the persecution.

Practitioners in northern U.K. set up a booth in Leeds on February 19. They promoted the practice and told people about the persecution.

Passersby learn about the persecution.

A Falun Gong practitioner (right) tells people about the ongoing persecution of Falun Gong in China.

Fylde Borough councilor Edward Nash and his wife visited Leeds that day and spoke with the practitioners. Mr. Nash, after learning about the persecution, invited the practitioners to the annual International Kite Festival in St. Annes. He asked the practitioners to come to his district and tell the people there about Falun Gong.

Related article in Chinese:http://www.minghui.org/mh/articles/2017/2/21/中国游客在英格兰签名反迫害(图)-343387.html