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Shop Owner Touched by Practitioner’s Demeanor Joins Falun Gong

Feb. 24, 2017 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) I accepted a position in a shop selling clothes in 2000. My life was governed by the Falun Gong principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The shop owner was touched, and learned that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) misled the Chinese people about Falun Gong to instigate hatred against this cultivation practice.

During my interview I noticed that the shop's warehouse was a mess and dirty. The three shopkeepers did not take care of the warehouse, but stayed in the front of the shop.

On my first day at work, I cleaned the shop, the warehouse and the outside. The owner was happy and decided to dismiss the three other shopkeepers.

I felt uneasy about this.

“You see, I don't need that many employees,” he told me. “I hired additional people because I was not happy with the other shopkeepers. I see you are different from them. You appear to be sincere. Even the bathroom is finally clean.”

I told him that I just followed the Falun Gong principles, which require me to be a good person.

I worked hard, cleaned the shelves and arranged all packing materials in good order. I organized for easy review the store goods and made sure that windows and doors were locked before going home at night.

My boss was impressed with my performance and told me that the shopkeepers seemed to steal and did not work hard. He told me that I was different. I explained again that as a practitioner I would always be honest and trustworthy.

He opened two more shops two years later and I took over as the shopkeeper in the new stores.

When the owner pocketed the store key by mistake, I let my colleagues go home in the evening and stayed overnight, because the owner was out of town and could not be reached.

After that, I explained the preciousness of Falun Gong and the facts of the persecution to the shop owner.

“I noticed that you are not like the others I had hired in the past,” he said. “You never catch a cold. Other shopkeepers would have 100 excuses when I criticize them, but you smile and do not argue. I have never met anyone like you since I opened my first shop. You work hard and never complain or ask for a pay increase.”

He continued, “I will hire Falun Gong practitioners when opening new shops from now on. Falun Gong is awesome. I will learn such a great practice. Your behavior showed me that Falun Gong is good.”

Later the shop owner truly started practicing Falun Gong.