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Romania: Small Town Residents Sign Petition in Support of Falun Gong

April 2, 2017 |   By a Falun Gong practitioner in Romania

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners from Bucharest, Romania went to Alexandria, a small town 62 miles southwest of the capitol, on March 26, 2017, to introduce the practice to local residents.

The practitioners set up a table and poster boards containing Falun Gong information, distributed informational materials to passersby, and demonstrated the exercises. The demonstration drew the attention of many passersby. The visitors learned about the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong and the atrocity of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners. Many people signed the petition opposing the CCP's live organ harvesting.

Two police officers sign the petition opposing the CCP's persecution.

Local residents learn about Falun Gong and sign a petition opposing the persecution.

One senior man said before signing the petition, “Our country experienced communism. We know its nature. Such persecution cannot be allowed.”

An elder lady said, “We don't agree with the China's forced live organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners. It must be stopped!”

A middle-aged lady came to sign the petition after accepting a flyer from a practitioner. She said she was a reporter and worked hard for freedom of speech. She pointed out that the CCP's persecution must be stopped.

Another elder lady came with a young girl who was seven or eight years old. She watched the Falun Gong exercise demonstration, and said that she liked the graceful hand gestures, and that they made her feel comfortable. She signed the petition. The young girl said, “I want to sign the petition too.” She too, signed the petition and left with the elder lady.