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Additional Persecution News from China – April 21, 2017 (19 Reports)

May 17, 2017

(Minghui.org) Today's news from China includes incidents of persecution that took place in 16 cities or counties in 6 provinces. According to this report,40 Falun Gong practitioners were subjected to mistreatment during their detention, and at least 20 were illegally arrested.

1. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Xie Sihong Arrested
2. [Beijing] Mr. Xiao Xicheng's Whereabouts Unknown
3. [Xiaogan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Jiaoya and Ms. Cao Furong Arrested
4. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Hu Fanxia Arrested
5. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Weizong and Mr. Li Chuanbao Detained
6. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Jingbo Arrested
7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Li Jiulan's Home Ransacked
8. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Kang Xiao Detained
9. [Arxan City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Detained
10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Huang Yade Detained
11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xue Li Arrested
12. [Chongqing] Ms. Qiu Cuixiang Detained
13. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Jia Xiuhua Arrested
14. [Shanghai] Ms. Xu Fengqinq Arrested
15. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wan Zuojing Seriously Injured
16. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Yuqiu Sentenced to Prison
17. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Yuanzhong Detained and Ms. Hu Lili Sentenced
18. [Beijing] Mr. Liu Qingsheng's Whereabouts Unknown
19. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Qiu Ping Arrested

1. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Ms. Xie Sihong Arrested

Ms. Xie Sihong was arrested by officers from the Xujiafang Police Station, Qingyunpu District, on the afternoon of April 20, 2017. The officers ransacked her home and confiscated a computer, two printers, and Falun Gong informational materials.

2. [Beijing] Mr. Xiao Xicheng's Whereabouts Unknown

Mr. Xiao Xicheng, 49, was recently arrested. His whereabouts are unknown.

3. [Xiaogan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Liu Jiaoya and Ms. Cao Furong Arrested

Ms. Liu Jiaoya and Ms. Cao Furong, both in their seventies, from Yingcheng City, were arrested on April 14, 2017, by officers from the Xinhua Street Police Station, Xiaonan District.

Their motorcycle was confiscated, and Ms. Liu was taken to the Xiaogan City Detention Center on April 19.

Participant in the persecution of Ms. Liu and Ms. Cao:Xinhua Street Police Station: +86-712-2867622

4. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Hu Fanxia Arrested

Ms. Hu Fanxia from Xiayu Village, Gaozhuang Town, Yishui County, was arrested on April 18, 2017, by officers from the Gaozhuang Town Police Station. Her home was ransacked.

5. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Li Weizong and Mr. Li Chuanbao Detained

Mr. Li Weizong and Mr. Li Chuanbao from Zhangqiu City were arrested at home by officers from the Wangcun Town Police Station, Zhoucun District, Zibo City, on January 30, 2017.

They are being held in the Zhoucun Detention Center.

Participants in the persecution of the two practitioners:Zhang Tao (张涛), prosecutor in charge of the case: +86-18553321090Public Prosecution Department: +86-533-3012620

6. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhu Jingbo Arrested

Mr. Zhu Jingbo was arrested by officers from the Gangxi Police Station on April 20, 2017.

7. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Li Jiulan's Home Ransacked

Ms. Li Jiulan's home, in Huashan Town, Hongshan District, was ransacked on April 20, 2017, by officers from the Huashan Police Station. Her Falun Gong books, photos of the founder of Falun Gong, and related informational materials were confiscated.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Li:Chang Hanbin (常汉斌), residential police officer of the Huashan Police Station: +86-18971109542Luo Jianguo (罗建国), deputy director: +86-18971109535

8. [Linyi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Kang Xiao Detained

Ms. Kang Xiao from Fei County was arrested by officers from the Shaoyaoshan Township Police Station on April 16, 2017, for hanging Falun Gong banners in Shaoyaoshan Township.

She is being held in the Fei County Detention Center.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Kang:Wei Xin (魏馨), director of the Shaoyaoshan Township Police Station: +86-13608907166, +86-15653993179Liu Xiuguang (刘秀光), chief of the Fei County Police Department: +86-13905390069Wei Ronggang (魏荣刚), supervisory team: +86-15563258381, +86-13605493166Liu Chuanbo (刘传波), head of the Fei County Domestic Security Division: +86-15589010095, +86-13505493008

9. [Arxan City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Three Practitioners Detained

Ms. Ma Xiuqin, Mr. Chen Zhengjun, and Mr. Xiang Guangping from Yi'ershi Town were arrested on the evening of April 18, 2017, for distributing Falun Gong materials. Their homes were also ransacked.

Officers from the Arxan City Police Department's Domestic Security Division and the Bailang Police Station conducted the arrests.

Ms. Ma was taken to the Hlan Hot City Detention Center. Mr. Chen and Mr. Xiang were taken to the Arxan Detention Center.

10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Mr. Huang Yade Detained

Mr. Huang Yade from the Songshan District was arrested by officers from the Songshan Police Department on the early morning of April 18, 2017, for practicing the Falun Gong exercises outdoors. His home was ransacked.

He is being held in the Songshan District Detention Center.

Participants in the persecution of Mr. Huang:Chief of the Songshan District Police Department: +86-476-8408818Yu Zhong (于忠), political commissar: +86-476-8409822, +86-13804763443Sun Jie (孙杰), deputy chief: +86-476-8411612, +86-13514765788Hou Wenjie (侯文杰), deputy chief: +86-476-8410222, +86-13904765678

11. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Xue Li Arrested

Ms. Xue Li was arrested by officers from the Taigu Police Station on the afternoon of April 19, 2017, for distributing Falun Gong materials.

Participants in the persecution of Ms. Xue:Liang Hong (梁弘), director of the Taigu Police Station: +86-451-3796729098Bao Weidong (鲍伟东), deputy director: +86-1594577462Sun Wenping (孙文平): +86-15104608586Wang Wenming (王文铭), political head: +86-13966889972

12. [Chongqing] Ms. Qiu Cuixiang Detained

Ms. Qiu Cuixiang from the Shapingba District was arrested on the morning of April 19, 2017. She is being held in the Huayansi Detention Center, Jiulongpo District.

13. [Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Jia Xiuhua Arrested

Ms. Jia Xiuhua from the Liaocheng Development Zone, Shandong Province, was recently arrested by officers from the Jiangbei Police Station, Yincheng Park area, Gulou District, Nanjing City.

14. [Shanghai] Ms. Xu Fengqinq Arrested

Ms. Xu Fengqing, in her eighties, from the Yangpu District, was reported to the authorities for distributing Falun Gong materials on April 19, 2017.

She was arrested and released that evening.

15. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wan Zuojing Seriously Injured

Officers from the Guozhuang Police Station, Nancun Town, went to Mr. Wan Zuojing's home in Dongwanjia Village on the morning of April 19, 2017. They ransacked the place and confiscated Falun Gong books, a computer, printer, and over 6,000 yuan.

Mr. Wan tried to escape as more officers were called in. He jumped off the roof of the two story building, seriously injuring himself.

16. [Hegang City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Liu Yuqiu Sentenced to Prison

Ms. Liu Yuqiu was tried at the Xing'an District Court on March 18, 2017. She was sentenced to two years in prison, with three years of probation, but was released after officials extorted 20,000 yuan from her family.

17. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Yuanzhong Detained and Ms. Hu Lili Sentenced

Mr. Wang Yuanzhong was arrested and his home was ransacked by officers from the Zibo City Police Department and 610 Office on the afternoon of April 12, 2017. He was detained for 10 days.

Ms. Hu Lili from the Zhangdian District was sentenced to three years in prison, with three years of probation, and fined 5,000 yuan.

18. [Beijing] Mr. Liu Qingsheng's Whereabouts Unknown

Mr. Liu Qingsheng from the Changping District was arrested by officers from the Changping Domestic Security Division and Changping Police Station on the morning of April 20, 2017.

Officers ransacked his home and confiscated his cell phone, iPad, notebook computer, and Falun Gong books.

Mr. Liu's whereabouts are unknown.

Participant in the persecution of Ms. Liu:Changping Police Station: +86-10-69742144, +86-10-69740279

19. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Qiu Ping Arrested

Ms. Qiu Ping and other practitioners from Qian'an City were reported to the authorities for talking to people about Falun Gong on March 27, 2017. Ms. Qiu was arrested by officers from the Kouzhuang Township Police Station.