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Chencang District Court Holds Second Hearing for Elderly Woman

Aug. 14, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Shaanxi Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cai Jinrong, in her 70s, was tried for the second time by Chengcang District Court in Baoji City, Shaanxi Province on July 26, 2017.

Her first hearing was on held on June 1 after she had been illegally detained for over a year. The hearing ended without a verdict.

At the second hearing, the procurator presented the same evidence as the first time but with two items added: a sentencing paper for a different Falun Gong practitioner in Qishan County and a “repentance letter” from another practitioner.

Ms. Cai's lawyer argued that the new pieces of evidence had nothing to do with his client's case, as her name was not mentioned in either document.

The judge then asked Ms. Cai if Minghui Weekly was an anti-government publication. She replied that it only contained articles of Falun Gong practitioners’ experiences.

The lawyer submitted a copy of a document issued by the General Administration of Press and Publication that announces the repeal of its ban on the publication of Falun Gong Books that was officially announced in 1999.

The judge adjourned the trial and announced that sentencing would take place at a later date.