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Following Their Conscience: Law Enforcement Officers Protect Dafa Practitioners

Aug. 14, 2017 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) All levels of public servants in China are pressured to take part in the persecution of Falun Dafa. Many, however, including police officers, prison guards, and labor camp personnel, know that Falun Dafa is good and do not want to take part in the persecution.

Head Policeman Protects Practitioners

In the spring of 2012, several fellow practitioners, along with myself, were arrested and our houses ransacked.

When the policemen from the local police station broke into my house, I closed the door to one of the rooms in which truth-clarification materials were kept, saying, “You are not allowed to search this room.” The head policeman responded, “All right, we won’t search that room.”

A young policeman found my laptop and handed it to the head policeman. The officer took the laptop and asked me, “Is this yours?” He then put the laptop on a chair. I clearly felt his intention to protect Dafa practitioners.

Detention Center Police Officer

That night, I was sent to a local detention center where I met a policewoman named Xiaomei (alias) who had just started working there. As long as Xiaomei was on duty, she would take me out of the cell and chat with me about Falun Dafa in the duty office.

Xiaomei admired the fact that I was knowledgeable. “How can you know so much and tell us about such a profound principle?” she asked. I told her, “This is only my own understanding after studying the teachings of our Master, Li Hongzhi.”

When we talked about the the evil nature of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Xiaomei said, “All instructions for the persecution of Falun Dafa are passed on verbally. There is no official written documentation. All policemen are knowingly breaking the law. How can such good people as you become 'criminals'? You all seem very kind. How can such good people be taken here? This Jiang Zemin must have brain damage!”

I was very moved when Xiaomei allowed me to use her cell phone so I could attend to some urgent personal matters. While in detention I had been denied any contact with the outside world.

The next day, Xiaomei was sternly warned about limiting her contact with me in order to preserve the image of a police officer and to protect her job. I really felt very sorry for her. Xiaomei said, “Please, you do not have to worry about me, Sister Zhang. It doesn’t matter. If they don’t want me to do this job... actually, this has taken the very words out of my mouth. I don’t want to do such a job and will find another one by taking our province's civil service examination.”

In the detention center, personnel from the Domestic Security Division and the 610 Office kept interrogating me in an attempt to obtain the information that they wanted. On several occasions Xiaomei made a point to enter the hearing room, which forced the interrogators to have to end the session early; this also gave me time to strengthen my righteous thoughts.

During the over 30 days that I was in the detention center, Xiaomei and I became best of friends. She respected me, always tried to help me, and brought me fruit, snacks, and other items every day. When she learned that I had been illegally subjected to two years in a forced labor camp, Xiaomei couldn’t help crying.

On the day I left the detention center, Xiaomei was not in as she had to attend a class. After she was back at work, she went to look for me but I had been taken to a forced labor camp. Xiaomei cried again. She then quickly contacted my husband. In a few days, along with my husband, she came to visit me in the provincial labor camp; unfortunately she was not allowed to see me.

Forced Labor Camp Doctor

On the first day in the labor camp, I met a doctor who instructed the guards, “Please do not let this person work, as she is not in good health.” She asked the guard to take me to the clinic three times per day; this gave me a chance to communicate with her. I said, “How kind you are!” She replied, “So are you.”

Needless to say, this doctor must have known the facts about Falun Dafa and she tried to protect Dafa practitioners. The doctor often went to the place where we worked to see if the guards were forcing me to do heavy work or to read books slandering Dafa. With the doctor's protection, it was not very long before I was released.

During the time I spent in the police station, detention center and the forced labor camp, I came into contact with a number of precious sentient beings. As I look back, memories of the past appear before my eyes.

A policewoman called Jiang started to cry when she informed me that I would be sent to a labor camp that day. She insisted on helping with my baggage and she saw me off at the gate; it seemed that she had a thousand words to say to me, but she couldn’t.

The head of the detention center, whose surname is Wang, said to the other prisoners, “Look at those Falun Dafa practitioners and see how they do things. Falun Dafa is good, indeed!”

A female official in the provincial women's forced labor camp and I once had a long chat, talking until midnight. She told me, “Do you know how I hate my job... I feel so helpless. I don’t know if doing such a job will bring me misfortune.”

These people truly know that Falun Dafa is good, the persecution is evil, and they are trying to follow their conscience.