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Why I Look Younger Than My Age

Aug. 15, 2017 |   By a Falun Dafa practitioner in Inner Mongolia, China

(Minghui.org) After practicing Falun Dafa for 20 years, I look almost 20 years younger than people of my age. People gladly quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) when hearing about the power of Dafa through testimonies such as mine.

Practitioners Look Younger Than Their Ages

When I was waiting for a bus one day, I met three elderly men. I asked them if the bus stopped at a certain bus stop. One of them suggested that I could walk and save the bus fare as that stop was only three stops away.

I told them that I did not have to pay as I got my free bus pass last year. They wondered how someone looking as young as me could get a free bus pass.

They guessed my age to be about 48 years old. I told them I was 73 years old. They did not believe it at first. I explained how I had benefited from Falun Dafa: I recovered from different serious illnesses shortly after I took up the practice, and I had never ever visited a hospital or taken a pill for 20 years.

At last they understood the facts and knew that Falun Dafa is good. They agreed to withdraw from the CCP and its youth organizations.

Not only these three men, but also others, including a woman who was 52-years-old, listened to my telling the fact about Dafa after finding out that I was in my 70s. She also quit the Party.

Never Missing a Chance to Talk about Dafa

I met a 61-year-old woman at a morning market. She bought two bundles of green Chinese onions, but had a difficult time carrying them because of their size and weight. She failed to reach her husband for help, so I told her to put one bundle on my bicycle. I would walk home with her.

At first, she was worried about whether I was able to handle five bundles, including mine, while walking two or three kilometers. In addition, my home was in the opposite direction.

She asked my age and I told her that I was 12 years older than her 61 years. She got worried and told me that she could not accept the favor.

I told her that I was a Falun Dafa practitioner, and that Dafa teaches practitioners to become better people. I encouraged her to recite “Falun Dafa is good” and “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good” in times of danger.

After talking about Dafa and the persecution, she also agreed to withdraw from the CCP.