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Ms. Gan Hongping Sentenced to Prison

Sept. 30, 2017 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Hubei Province, China

(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Gan Hongping from Yichang City in Hubei Province was tried on October 26, 2016, by the Yiling District Court. She was later sentenced to a three-year prison term, and transferred to Wuhan Women's Prison in July 2017.

Arrested and Detained

Ms. Gan, 45, was illegally arrested at work on April 20, 2016, without being shown an arrest warrant.

Her home was broken into later that evening by officers from the local police station and the 610 Office, who used a jackhammer to pry open the door. The police then ransacked the entire house and confiscated many Dafa books and several computers.

Ms. Gan's brother's cell phone was also confiscated after he tried to take pictures of what the police were doing.

Ms. Gan was taken to the Yichang City Detention Center and held for 15 days. She was then transferred to the Yichang No. 1 Detention Center and interrogated nonstop. Two interrogators prevented her from falling asleep by shaking her head and blowing smoke in her face.

During her detention, the 610 Office ordered the detention center to not allow her lawyer visit his client.

Sentenced to Prison

On the day of the trial, only one of Ms. Gan's family members was allowed in the courtroom. Yet, the police and people from the village association of Ms. Gan's residence were allowed to sit in the trial.

The trial ended without a verdict being issued.

The 610 Office of Yichang City eventually made the decision to sentence Ms. Gan and seven other Falun Dafa practitioners to prison, without informing their family members.

Ms. Gan appealed her sentencing, but the Yichang Intermediate Court upheld the original verdict. She was transferred to Wuhan Women's No. 2 Prison in July to serve a three-year prison term.

Authorities at the prison informed the family that they would not be able to visit Ms. Gan unless she “transformed”.