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I Witnessed My Wife's Health Improvement from Practicing Dafa

Sept. 6, 2017 |   By a husband of a Falun Dafa practitioner in China

(Minghui.org) My family lives in Quzhou County. Our first daughter was born two years after we were married. After my second daughter was born in 2002, my wife was diagnosed with an infection of the trachea. My son was born in 2003, and my wife's health weakened after having given birth to two babies within two years.

The doctors did not give us any hope, as the side effects of many medications would bring along other health problems. Her health deteriorated soon afterward, and she became bedridden.

Finding a Dafa Informational Package Outside Our Door

A small package was outside my door in December 2005. I found that it contained information introducing Falun Dafa, which I gave to my wife.

“What a good thing it is,” she said, “Keeping Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in mind will bring good fortune.” She also mentioned she heard that a cancer patient in Hebei Province was cured after practicing Dafa.

There was an improvement in her health after she read the materials. So we borrowed Falun Dafa books from friends. After the fourth day of her reading the main text, Zhuan Falun, she felt well enough to get up from her bed and go for a walk. She immediately decided to start practicing Dafa.

I did not fully understand what had happened and did not think that her recovery was due to this cultivation practice. I thought it was, perhaps, due to fate allowing us to lead a happy life. As she became healthier, I became happier. We then decided to start a business and ran a shop on our property.

A few years passed, and our businesses went well. My wife kept studying the Falun Dafa books and doing the exercises. I did not pay much attention to her and was not interested in learning more about the practice.

Despite the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution, my wife went out to raise awareness of the persecution. As I was afraid that she might be arrested like other practitioners, I did not allow her to go out. But she went out anyway without letting me know.

She patiently explained more about the principles of the practice to me, and said that it teaches people to become good. I came to understand Dafa better over time and have also decided to take up the practice.